Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1242: Back carbine

"Li Zhen, I'm Cao You Da|Lord!"

The man yelled at Li Zhen's back.

All the tablets of his family were taken away. What a wicked talent!

Li Zhen's speed didn't decrease, so he didn't hear it.

What happened to the card position, now in his hand, this is not a tablet position, this is evidence.

Mad, thought that the pavilion master of Lingxian Pavilion really only has the realm of Immortal King. Fortunately, he didn't believe it. This is really the Immortal King Daluo. Although I don't know what realm it is, it is definitely not at this moment. He can provoke.


The cat can't beat you, you can always run!

Both Xie Xiaofeng and Yang Dingtian said that his void escape technique was the number one escape technique in the world. Now that Li Zhen's cultivation level has been upgraded to Level 9 Triple Heaven, he doesn't believe that running can't beat this person.

Layers of voids retreated from in front of him, and Li Zhen desperately fled while portraying formations in the void. Although he could not hurt the person, it would be good to delay him for a while.

"Ding, the mission to explore the secrets of the Lingxian Pavilion is completed, the evolution point is +1 billion, the spree *10!"

"Ding, task three: escape from the hands of the real Lingxian!"

Hearing the system's prompt tone, Li Zhen was startled. The system even knew the person's name. It was so amazing.

However, this also proved the strength of this person. Even the system issued a mission to escape from this person, indicating that even the system recognized the strength of this person.

Li Zhen didn't know that at this moment, the real spirit immortal was scolding his mother, Li Zhen's body style was too fast, and the real spirit could not catch up.

Moreover, Li Zhen's arrangement was so ingenious that he could not defend against it. Although he did not cause much damage to him along the way, it was enough to slow down his speed.

No, this is not the way to go. Li Zhen thought about it and set up a teleportation formation at will, and then suddenly turned and ran towards the Lingxian Pavilion.

The real person Lingxian saw Li Zhen turned around and clenched his fists. This bastard, as long as Li Zhen is rubbed by him, Li Zhen will die, but Li Zhen is too slippery, as if It was like a loach, he couldn't touch it at all.

When I came to the Lingxian Pavilion again, the place was heavily guarded, but Li Zhen could not be stopped.


Now that it has been discovered, let's do it thoroughly.

At this moment, Li Zhen searched the rooms one by one in order. Sure enough, there were good things hidden in these people's rooms. Li Zhen took hundreds of thousands of them.

Not only that, some ancient elixir, some genius treasures that are hard to find, Li Zhen hasn’t even distributed their exercise books. If you get this stuff back and let the minister and the others study it, there may be some reward.

When he reached the last room, Li Zhen pushed the door and his pupils solidified. This room must be the room of the real spirit fairy. What you see is a huge and incomparable spirit stone. The quality of this spirit stone is definitely the best spirit stone. Above, the abundance of spiritual energy is almost hundreds of times that of the best spiritual stone.

Could this be... a fairy stone?

Li Zhen's breathing was short, which is definitely a good thing.

As for this kind of spiritual stone, there were ten yuan in this room, and Li Zhen put it away all at once.

Not only that, there is a map in this room, and Li Zhen glanced at it. This is a good thing, this is a map of the fairy world.

"not good!"

Li Zhen stepped into the teleportation array that had been arranged long ago.

"Li Zhen, you are looking for death!"

Seeing the messy room, the real spirit immortal roared and slapped the teleportation array with a palm.

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