Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1251: The invitation of the big city lord

However, the words of the Great City Lord just now saved Dan Ge's face.

Dachengzhu didn't say anything to death.

At this time, Hou Wending also appeared, watching this scene on the scene, feeling very happy, and gave a thumbs up to this little junior.

He had wanted to do this a long time ago, but he hasn't taken it into action. He didn't expect Li Zhen to take the lead.

"Dacheng Lord, please forgive me. Dange chased and killed my younger brother for no reason. My younger brother was also angry."

A discerning person knew at a glance that the Lord of the Great City had no intention of punishing Li Zhen, but he still had to show his minimum attitude.

"Don't worry, I will give Fellow Li Daoyou a satisfactory answer to this matter!"

Dachengzhu quickly said.

Today's Hundred Caotang is different. Zhu Yunxuan's peak blow is comparable to Da Luo, and Li Zhen's mental power explodes. The same is true. The existence of two weak Da Luo Immortal Kings, such a force, should not be underestimated.

Coupled with Li Zhen's magical alchemy and refining techniques, Dachengzhu originally came out to deepen the relationship with Baicaotang.

Li Zhen was a little depressed. The Lord of the City appeared. He wanted to continue his shots.

There is still one Li Wuming in the Dan Pavilion who did not kill, and there is another Li Wushen in the city lord's mansion. Li Zhen originally wanted to kill these two directly, but he didn't expect the big city lord to appear and his plan would change.

However, he wanted to kill, and it was a little tricky. Li Wusheng's death might have been horrified. After these people noticed it, they might tell the Li family's affairs, so he had to get rid of the remaining four people in a short time.

The two people of Wanfamen and Tiexiangzong, Zhu Yunzhen had already gone. What Li Zhen worried was that these people might have leaked the news.

"Ding, mission four, kill traitors, currently 2/5!"

"Ding, mission four, kill traitors, currently 3/5!"

At this moment, the system prompt sounded, proving that Zhu Yunshao had succeeded.

"Friend Li Dao, I came out this time to invite two of you into the inner city!"

Dachengzhu stated his purpose of coming out this time.

"That... I'm sorry, Dachengzhu, it's not that Li Zhen doesn't know how to promote, but that Li Zhen is an alchemist, and his greatest hobby is alchemy. I want to stay in the Baicaotang to make pills.

Li Zhen pretended to look like a pill, as if what he did just now was really only caused by anger.

Dachengzhu saw this scene, his eyes were filled with lust, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

On the contrary, those people around who saw this scene gave Li Zhen thumbs up one after another, praised Li Zhen for his true temperament and praised such people for being easy to get along with.

"Little brother, don't worry, our Baicaotang also has its own store in the inner city, but during this period, the inner city has important affairs to discuss, we just moved out."

Hou Wending had no doubt about him, and said quickly.

"After hearing about Li Daoyou, many Daoists in the inner city were very interested in getting to know them. Now there is a banquet in the inner city. Call Daoist Zhu Yunqi, let's go to the inner city together!"

Dachengzhu said.

"The lord of the city invites, I will naturally obey!"

Li Zhen and Hou Wending replied immediately.

Upon seeing this, Dachengzhu nodded faintly. At this time, Zhu Yunqi took the kitten and flew back from outside the city.

Seeing this scene, the city lord realized something, but didn't say much. Such things happen every day. As long as it doesn't happen under his nose, the city lord mansion is not willing to take care of it.

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