Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1254: Forcing Zhang Tianzhao

Hearing Li Zhen's words, everyone around showed an expression of interest.

And Li Wushen and Li Wuming suddenly felt uneasy in their hearts.

I don't know why, they always feel that Li Zhen's move may be related to them.

However, after looking at the people around, there are so many people around, and there are so many strong people, they don't need to be afraid.

Zhang Tianzhao looked at Li Zhen coldly, as if he wanted to see exactly what medicine was sold in Li Zhen's gourd.

And Li Zhen looked at Zhang Tianzhao faintly. Li Wuming beside Zhang Tianzhao was easy to kill. Alchemy, one fryer was enough, but **** Li Wushen in the City Lord's Mansion?

If he did it for no reason, with so many Immortal King Luo there, he only had to do it, and he would be almost the same.

Li Zhen has a headache, but kill one first!

"What color do you want?"

Zhang Tianshao looked at Li Zhen.

"If you win, I will give you the alchemy alchemy for one year, or our Hundred Caotang will give away the profit of a kind of pill. On the contrary, if you win, your alchemy will give up the profit of a kind of pill, how about?"

Li Zhen said lightly.

This remark immediately caused an uproar!

The profit of a kind of pill, which means that if Li Zhen loses, Bai Caotang will never be able to refine that kind of pill!

The profit of a kind of panacea is so courageous.

Zhang Tianzhao's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect Li Zhen to say so domineering.

Zhang Tianzhao hesitated. Although he was called the Little Pill God, his status was not even worse than his elder brother Zhang Tianyao.

If his elder brother is here at this time, he can naturally agree to it, but his words, in the Dan Pavilion, are not so powerful.

However, it was already difficult to ride a tiger at this time, so many strong people were there, and he initiated the challenge, if he retreats at this moment, I am afraid he will immediately become the laughing stock of Dongfeng City.

Li Zhen looked at this person lightly, without a trace of panic on his face.

"Li Zhen, you have become the master of White Caotang? Have you ever asked Hou Wending what you meant by saying this?"

Zhang Tianzhao's excuse, but he was thinking of other ways.

In his opinion, this gambling agreement is too much involved, and Hou Wending must be uncertain for a while.

However, the next moment he was depressed!

Hou Wending heard him without any hesitation at all.

"Don't worry, Daoyou Zhang, my junior is different from Daoyou Zhang, and my junior’s words can naturally represent Baicaotang!"

joke! Bidan, Li Zhen will lose? Even if Zhang Tianyao came, in front of Junior Brother, it was nothing more than that.

In Hou Wending's view, this gambling game is totally adding a blessing to Baicaotang. How could he refuse?

Hearing Hou Wending's words, Zhang Tianzhao's face was extremely ugly. It was not that Hou Wending meant that he could not hear it. This was an insinuation that he had no real power in the Dan Pavilion.

Sure enough, as soon as Hou Wending's words came out, the eyes of other people around who looked at him changed.

Zhang Tianzhao's face became increasingly ugly.

Li Zhen glanced at Zhang Tianzhao, and made no secret of the playfulness in his eyes, "Brother of God Alchemy, don't you forget? When you are qualified to compare Dan with me, how about you come and talk to me again? "

"Damn it, deceive people too much!"

Zhang Tianzhao's face was blue and purple, his heavy gasp, his breath was thick as fog, and white smoke rose from his head.

"Okay, I compare with you!"

In the presence of so many people, he couldn't retreat, and retreat would be a cliff of ten thousand feet. Don't want to mix in this Dongfeng City again in the future!

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