Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1261: Xu Zhenchuan

"Today, Li Zhen is in front of so many Daoists, so that he doesn't give Dongfeng Group face. If this matter is spread out, how can my Dongfeng Group face?"

Xu Bing also walked out and said indifferently, with a cold voice.

"A few fellow daoists, do you really want to break with my Dongfeng Group completely because of this person?"

Xu Bing looked at Li Zhen coldly, and made no secret of the killing intent in his eyes.

"Don't hide the truth from the three city owners, today we must take Li Zhen this person away! If anyone obstructs it, it is against me, the Dongfeng Group!"

"We are the enemy of the Eastern Group. Even if the other party is a powerful force, we will fight to the death and break his tooth!"

After that, Xu Bing looked at Li Zhen's cold voice transmission and said, "Boy, don't think that the City Lord's Mansion will save your life if you fear us!"

"Now I will let you see your life, it is not as important as you think!"

"Offending me, Dongfeng Group, will definitely be your biggest mistake in your life!"

Hearing Xu Bing's voice transmission, Li Zhen said casually: "The three city masters are all here, why don't you say these things in person?"

"You Dongfeng Group doesn't pay attention to the three city masters, it is no longer a day or two!"

"This is Dongfeng City, with Dongfeng Mountain Villa garrisoned. Your group is named Dongfeng Group. What do you want to do? The heart of non-subordination is obvious!"

Hearing Li Zhen's words, the faces of everyone around him changed.

This sentence is not the first time they have heard it, and this matter is indeed unbearable.

Hearing Li Zhen's words, Xu Bing's face became even greener.

Many people have said this in private, but no one will raise it in front of everyone.

Dongfeng Villa has been stationed in Dongfeng City for tens of thousands of years, but many people don't know that the Xu family was stationed here in the past.

Xu Bing is his fake name, and his real name is Xu Zhenchuan.

Their Dongfeng Group is the head of Dongfeng City!

Dongfeng Villa just robbed their Xu family's home!

Hundreds of thousands of people from the Xu family were killed by these three brothers.

He came here and worked incognito for tens of thousands of years in order to recapture everything that originally belonged to him.

Although he wanted to do it now, it was really not the time to do it at this time, so he desperately suppressed the hatred in his heart to stand in front of the people in the City Lord's Mansion.

This is also the reason why he has stayed simple for so many years.

"Boy, don't want to be silly!"

Xu Bing roared, and then clasped his fists at the three city masters: "Did the three city masters see it? This is so obvious that Li Zhen wants to provoke the relationship between you and me. His intention is sinister!"

"Before this son came, we had a close relationship and a close exchange. Dongfeng Group played a huge role in the construction of Dongfeng City."

"When did the three city masters have something to do, didn't my Dongfeng Group rush to the forefront?"

"Why do you want to provoke the relationship between you and me? I suspect that Li Zhen has a relationship with the Li family in the mortal world!"

"The purpose of his coming here is to destroy the plans of the three city masters!"

Xu Bing looked at Li Zhen coldly.

"Fart, Xu Bing, don't spit people! The younger brother is my master's apprentice. There is no doubt about that. You Dongfeng Group plays a major role in the development of Dongfeng City. Could it be that my Baicaotang has never paid for it?"

When Hou Wending heard Xu Bing's words, he jumped up and cursed.

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