Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1288: Li Xiaoyou, the direction is wrong

Because of the beauty of this life, Li Zhen still has some impressions of her.

In the Secret Realm of the True King, when crossing the Tianhe, a group of people begged him to take him across the river.

This woman is one of them.

Li Zhen still remembered that at the time, this woman looked at his silent and affectionate Qiubo.

It's almost time to recommend yourself.

In such a harsh environment, this woman's behavior is understandable.

I thought I couldn't see it, but I didn't expect to bump into it again today.

"It's meow, I'm on a narrow road! Never let this woman see me, otherwise this woman will definitely bully me like I bullied her!"

On the boat, although Li Zhen made no major mistakes, his hands were not idle when others could not see.

Looking at what it looks like now, this woman has a lot of authority in this Qilin City. If she recognizes it, it will be him.

"Miss Ling Ran, why did you come to Danta?"

Just as Ling Ran came in, someone boldly raised his voice and asked.

After this person asked, everyone looked at Ling Ran with eager eyes.

"Thank you for your concern, Ling Ran came today to assess the title!"

Ling Ran pursed his mouth and smiled, her charming and charming look immediately drew everyone's souls away.

Li Zhen curled his lips, as expected, he was still so showy!

He had experienced that Ling Ran's charm came from his bones.

This kind of charm is hard to refuse. If Li Zhen had not already had 4 girlfriends, he really wanted to take Ling Ran.

Hearing Ling Ran's answer, Li Zhen secretly felt unlucky.

Unexpectedly, this woman was also here to test the title, if she ran into it during the test, he would be the unlucky one.

"Forget it, do you want to come back for the assessment another day?"

Li Zhen felt that he must have not read the almanac when he went out today, otherwise he would not meet this woman.

Li Zhen wanted to leave Danta in his heart.

But how could he get away?

For a genius like Li Zhen, Danta has included his name in the list of people who must be paid.

Although all the alchemists have left, there are still people who are always paying attention to Li Zhen's trail, fearing that Li Zhen will leave here.

Although this probability is very small, in order to obtain a genius, they must stifle this "extremely dangerous" possibility in the cradle.

Seeing that Li Zhen wanted to leave, the alchemists who secretly followed Li Zhen, immediately panicked.

Mad, really let their tower master guess it, and Li Zhen really might leave their tower.

"Li Zhen must have been **** off by those **** just now!"

Since Li Zhen took the initiative to participate in the assessment, it stands to reason that he would not leave if he did not get the title.

But just now, the old Liu people made things difficult for Li Zhen, and it is understandable that a peerless genius like Li Zhen is somewhat arrogant.

"Li Xiaoyou, the direction is wrong!"

That Eight-Star God Grade Alchemist gave full play to the advantage of his loud voice.

The sound filled the entire hall of Danta.

Many people did not watch out for this, and their ears were almost deaf.

Many people wanted to curse, which **** was so ignorant of the rules. When they saw the 8-star god-level alchemist, they secretly said bad luck and bowed their heads and admitted that they were unlucky.

Many people followed the sight of the Eight-Star God Alchemist to Li Zhen.

"Made, is this old man on purpose?"

Perceiving the hundreds of gazes, Li Zhen made a look like "What are you doing, that person said it’s not me", followed those people’s gazes and looked aside, and then, while everyone was not paying attention, he thought Tear the Void to leave here.

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