Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1299: Ling Shiming is here

The assessment of the title alchemist is by no means a trifle, so Danta still attaches great importance to it.

The title alchemist also assigns stars, and only the alchemist who has the title can be called the one-star god-level alchemist.

After passing the 3rd floor of the Dan Pagoda, you will be called a two-star god-level alchemist, and the other levels will go up.

Normally speaking, the appraisal title does not require an Eight-Star God Alchemist to preside.

But this time in the assessment, there was a freak like Li Zhen. Danta was afraid of losing Li Zhen, so Ling Shiquan was specially approved to preside over the assessment, because Lin Shiquan was the highest cultivation level among Danta.

To obtain the title, you must be able to refine more than 10 god-level spirit pills.

Participants in the assessment will draw ten god-level spirit pills, as long as you can refine five of them, and the refined quality should not be too lower than the quality trained by the examiner.

As long as the above two points are achieved, the title can be obtained.

When they came up, there were already a dozen examiners waiting there.

These dozen or so examiners have no titles, and even some have permanently lost their right to assess titles.

As long as they compare all the people who came to participate in the assessment today, the examiners who have the opportunity to participate in the assessment will automatically get the title, and the examiners who lose the opportunity to get the chance to be assessed again.

Because of this, no one of these examiners will release water during the title assessment, after all, this is a matter of their future.

If it is discovered that they have released water during the assessment process, Danta will permanently deprive them of the right to enter Danta.

The dozen or so people glanced at Li Zhen and the others. They looked like they were looking at their enemies.

But when a dozen examiners saw people like Li Zhen, they all looked weird.

"Elder Ling, wouldn't these little guys come to get the title?"

If you want to get the title, you must have a good understanding of the god-level spirit pills, and the rate of refining the god-level spirit pills is very high. To achieve these two points, you must have rich experience.

And most of the rich experience requires years of accumulation.

But they never dreamed that only a dozen or so children who came to participate in the assessment.

Do these people think that they are the peerless arrogant Ye Tian?

In the past ten thousand years, the only person who was granted a title at about twenty years old was Ye Tian.

More than a dozen examiners looked at Ling Shiquan in surprise.

Elder Ling, are you sure you are not joking, playing with us?

Or...Danta saw the hard work of these dozens of them over the years, so he deliberately brought in a dozen children to help them obtain titles or get assessment places?

With just a dozen children, in their twenties, how much knowledge can they learn even if they start learning from their mothers?

"Why do you guys start the assessment so much nonsense?"

Ling Shiquan didn't have such a good temper with these people.

"and many more!"

Just when Ling Shiquan announced the start of the assessment, there was a "buzz" in the Dan Tower, and one person came to the void.

Seeing the person coming, Ling Shiquan asked in shock, "Big Brother, why are you here?"

Ling Ran suddenly thought of something, a look of regret appeared in her beautiful eyes, hiding behind Li Zhen like a little ostrich.

"Smelly girl, stinky boy, you two get me here!"

Ling Shiming looked at his daughter, just in time to see the scene of her daughter hiding behind Li Zhen, he became even more furious, and shouted.

Li Zhen frowned, does he know this person?

Li Zhen looked at the man in a bit of astonishment, and pointed at himself.

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