Ling Shiquan was full of black lines. The assessment hadn't started yet, the smell of gunpowder was so heavy.

"Isn't it just a panacea? Just get it. Our alchemist must speak with results. If Li Zhen can practice it, it will prove that what he said is correct."

"If something goes wrong with Li Zhen's alchemy, then it proves that he is wrong. What's the point of making a noise here?"

"Now I talk about the rules of title assessment!"

Seeing that the examiners still had the urge to speak, Ling Shiquan waved his hands and spoke, uttering the rules of title evaluation word by word.

After finishing this, Ling Shiquan looked around for a week and signaled that everyone had any questions.

The rules are very simple and easy to understand. Everyone nodded to indicate that they knew.

"Now that you know it, let's start alchemy!"

Following Ling Shiquan's words, all the people took out their pill furnaces, restored their mental strength to their best, and then began to refine their pill.

Li Zhen's purpose in coming to Kylin City was to obtain those elixir, and he didn't want to waste time on the title assessment.

If the system hadn't had a mission, Li Zhen wouldn't even want this title.

With a wave of his hand, the pill furnace was suspended in the void, the spiritual fire was ignited, and then Li Zhen threw all the elixir into it.


Ling Shiquan, who was always paying attention to Li Zhen, saw this scene, and just drank the tea from the mouth, all of which spewed out.


Is this pill making? Are you sure you are not making bombs?

Throwing so many elixir in one mind, not to mention the conflicting nature of the various elixir, even if it is to be divided, the mental power required is massive.

If there is not enough mental power to control the pill furnace, this pill furnace will definitely be fried.

"Don't peek in the void, protect everyone!"

Ling Shiquan yelled at him, Ma De, after seeing it, Li Zhen didn't even know anything.

As for the god-level spirit pills that were contaminated with Li Zhen's breath, he didn't know how Li Zhen got it, but he could confirm that Li Zhen was definitely not a qualified god-level alchemist.

A qualified god-level alchemist will definitely not be like Li Zhen.



There were several sounds of fryer.

Interfered by Ling Shiquan's voice, some alchemists who participated in the title assessment instantly exploded the pill furnace because of distraction.

These people are weeping and crying, are they a success or failure?

In the void, many powerful people appeared and moved all of them out.

At this time, all alchemy assessments were forcibly terminated.

Several people who were engrossed in alchemy, because they were forcibly interrupted, vomited a mouthful of blood and suffered internal injuries instantly.

But when they discovered that the source of all this was Li Zhenzhi, they hated Li Zhenzhi to the extreme in their hearts.

"You see, Huangkou Xiaoer, who only speaks big words, you actually believe him!"

"A young man who is less than twenty years old can know how many kinds of god-level pill?"

"I think the god-level spirit pills he took out are also problematic, we should check it carefully!"

Seeing this scene caused by Li Zhen, all those who opposed Li Zhen before suddenly stood up.

While praising his foresight, he unbridled insults those who believe.

These people have never been as happy as they are today, and they gave themselves a thumbs up in their hearts.

Looking at the others, these people have their hands behind their backs, with an arrogant attitude.

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