If you walk on the street from now on, those people will definitely say.

"Look, isn't this the fool that day?"

"It's the one who put his face together and let people fan the one."


The disappeared tower master appeared again, staring at Li Zhen dumbfounded.

This kind of alchemy method is simply unheard of!

The mental power required for this is really terrifying.

He had tried before, and refining two types together was already his limit. Moreover, after refining in this way, the quality of the spirit pill could not be guaranteed, not to mention that the rate of pill formation was still extremely low, and it was simply not worth the loss.

Moreover, that time, he was refining the Eight-Rank Spirit Pill. If he was refining the God-level Spirit Pill, he almost didn't have to try, he knew that it was the fryer that faced him.

But when Li Zhen refined it, not only was it refined, but the pill formation rate did not drop at all.

At this time, everyone was stunned, and even forgot that this was the title assessment site.

The tower master walked to Ling Shiquan, took ten small jade bottles, then opened one, and a fragrance of fragrance floated out instantly.

Without identification, the tower owner can conclude that the quality of this spirit pill must be the best!

The ultimate god-level spirit pill!

The strong fragrance made everyone awake.

When the dozen or so examiners saw this scene, their faces were slightly bitter, and it seemed that they had come in vain today.

Li Zhen is here, they want to win, basically impossible!

Those examiners looked at Li Zhen with complicated expressions.

This person is not a person at all!

The tower master did not hesitate, and then opened the second small jade bottle, and the same strong pill fragrance instantly spilled out.


Smelling this smell, the people around suddenly exclaimed.

It is another superb god-level spirit pill!

The eyes of these people became weird. The ten god-level spirit pills that Li Zhen refined were not all the best, right?

As soon as this thought appeared, they shook their heads vigorously and drove them out of their minds.

It's impossible!

This kind of alchemy attainments can almost be a god!

Everyone stared at the third small jade bottle closely.

There was expectation in his eyes, and there was some panic.

At this moment, the third small jade bottle was opened, and when the fragrance wafted out, the dozen or so alchemists who looked unpleasant to Li Zhen directly slumped on the ground, looking extremely embarrassed.

But at the moment, no one laughs at them!

Everyone looked at the little jade bottle blankly.

Then looked at Li Zhen.

Is this... what one can do?

The tower master's hands trembled, and then glanced at Li Zhen, who was very confident. He was definitely a genius, and even Ye Tian couldn't match it.

Ye Tian in the crowd, seeing this scene, his pupils froze, and then a heroic sentiment rose to the sky, his eyes bloomed with a surging fighting spirit.

The tower master stabilized his mind, looked at the remaining small jade bottle, took a deep breath, and then opened it all.

The rich Danxiang instantly filled the entire second layer.

There is no need for the tower master to announce it, everyone knows the answer, and when they see the tower master, they guessed it.

"Li Zhen, the alchemy has been completed, and the spirit pill, the pill for washing the marrow, the pill of courage... There are ten kinds of pill, 168 pill, top quality!"

The tower owner personally reported Li Zhen's results.

At this moment, the voice of the tower master spread far away, and the whole Qilin City heard it.


The people in front of the water curtain boiled instantly!

What a magical way of alchemy!

What a great Li Zhen.

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