Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1316: Danophilia

"The Qingli Divine Pill was originally used to restore spiritual power, but the Qingli Divine Pill refined by your technique will increase your mental power if you eat it, but it will definitely form a spiritual pill dependence!"

"This is not the most important thing, you..."


Just when Li Zhen wanted to continue speaking, there was a hum in the sky, and a dozen alchemists appeared, and the leader was the tower master.

In the city, those people were waiting for Li Zhen to continue. Suddenly, the water curtain switched to the title assessment scene.

"Oh? What's going on? Who wants to see the title assessment? We want to see Emperor Li Dan!"

"Is Li Dandi right, there is a problem with the danta's blue glass pill?"

"Danta, what do you want to do? Do you want to destroy the evidence?" Some people have taken the Qingli Divine Pill, and they specially invited the Qingli Pill King to refine it.

Now it seems that this is not only a god-level spirit pill, but may be a deadly poison!

In their opinion, this is Danta trying to cover up this matter.

Those people swarmed up and blocked the door of Danta.

"It's over, Li Xiaoyou, you are... stab Louzi!"

Mad, this basket is stabbed!

He can block ordinary small baskets, but this time Danta stands on the opposite side of everyone.

Dongfeng was dumbfounded, and followed the crowd towards Danta. He wanted to rescue Li Zhen.


The fourth floor.

King Qingli Pill jumped up with anger when he heard the words behind Li Zhen.

"Li Zhen, you are less bloody, I..."

"shut up!"

At this moment, the tower master and others appeared, stood in front of Li Zhen, held their fists in an unusually respectful way and said, "May I ask Li Xiaoyou, is there a solution?"

When the Qingli Pill King heard the tower master's words, he was angry. Doesn't this admit that the Qingli Pill he refined is poison?

"Tower Master, what are you doing? I..."

Before he could finish his words, Ling Shiquan interrupted him, "The Fang Family Patriarch is addicted to pills and has found the tower owner!"

"You..." Qingli Pill King was dumbfounded, and said awkwardly: "Tower Master, are you kidding me?"

If this matter is true, then the problem is big!

Ling Shiquan stared coldly at King Qingli Pill: "Do you think we are in the mood to make a joke with you? Do you have such a problem with yourself, don't you know?"


King Qingli Dan became flustered, is this true?

No, if this matter is true, his career as a alchemist will be over.

"Even if the Patriarch of the Fang family has pill addiction, how can you prove that this matter has something to do with the Qingli God Pill I refined?"

This thing cannot be true, absolutely not! King Qingli pill roared in his heart, wishing to kill Li Zhen now.

"Li Xiaoyou, do you have a way to prove that the Patriarch Fang's pill addiction is caused by the Qingli Shendan?"

The tower master asked.

In fact, he was not sure, but when he discussed with Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian had suspected it, but none of them could find a way to detect it, so this matter was not told to King Qingli Pill.

Seeing Li Zhen so sure now, he immediately appeared.

"Oh, danophilia? Where is the patient?"

When Ling Shiquan heard the words, he felt his eyes light up and took a step forward. When he returned, there was already an extra person in his hand.

Seeing that person, Li Zhen immediately cut his veins.

"how about it?"

The tower master looked expectant.

"Take a dead fungus Ganoderma lucidum!" Li Zhen said.

"I have it here!" Ling Shiquan immediately took out an elixir.

"Get rich!" Li Zhen yelled in his heart as he looked at the unconscious person.

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