Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1326: Jiang family trouble

At this moment, the tower owners are looking at Li Zhen.

Li Zhen has slept for three days, and when he rushed to the tower, he could only stay on the first floor for four days.

"You said, this kid didn't forget to go to the tower, right?"

Ling Shiquan said suspiciously.

Those alchemists looked at the thirtieth floor and nodded with deep approval.

"Um... Li Pu has already stepped on the fifty-fifth floor, should we wake him up?"

Compared with Li Pu, Ling Shiquan had a better impression of Li Zhen.

Seeing Li Zhen sleeping there, he hated iron and steel.

Moreover, in his eyes, he already regards Li Zhen as a member of his Ling family, which may be his fate.

At this moment, it was noisy outside, as if many people were coming here.

"what happened?"

Hearing this sound, the tower master frowned and snorted coldly.

Danta is in Qilin City. It is like a giant. In addition, the City Lord's Mansion also obeys Danta. Everyone knows that Danta is the actual power in Qilin City.

For many years, no one dared to make trouble in Danta.

I didn't expect someone to make trouble today.

"Pagoda Master, people from the Jiang family have come and surrounded Dan Pagoda!"

An alchemist went up and said out of breath.

"Jiang family? Are they brave enough to come here to make trouble, aren't they afraid that Laozi will destroy his Jiang family?"

When Ling Shiquan heard that it was the Jiang family who was making the trouble, he was immediately angry, and his big eyes widened.

"I want to see the tower master, I have important things to tell!"

At this moment, a shout came in.

In the hall, everyone frowned upon hearing this.

"Be beaten first! Then ask him why? If he can't give a reasonable reason, tell him that the Jiang family doesn't need to exist!"

Without waiting for the tower master to speak, Ling Shiquan said coldly.

The person who came in to report was dumbfounded and looked at Ling Shiquan in astonishment.

Seeing that this person hadn't left yet, Ling Shiquan frowned even harder.

"What? You don't understand what I said?"

The man immediately walked out upon hearing this.

"Tower Master, these aristocratic families have infiltrated Danta a little deeper, it's time to clean up!"

Ling Shiquan said coldly.

Everyone in the hall looked at Ling Shiquan with a startled look. Many of them were disciples from the family, even if Ling Shiquan was from the Ling family of the city lord's mansion.

But at this moment, what did Ling Shiquan mean?

The tower master nodded, "It's good, just start from the Jiang family!"

Those people heard the words, frowned and said: "Tower Master, is it wrong to do this?"

"Yes, the major families of Kylin City have paid a lot for the Kylin City over the years. Because of the Jiang family, we have to do something with the family. Is it too much?"

"Yeah, if the Jiang family did this, maybe it was really important. The tower owner might as well call in the Jiang family and ask him what is going on? If they really have important things, We doubted them. If we delay business, it will chill the hearts of all the great families."

Hearing that the tower master really wanted to do something against the noble family, some alchemists from the noble family spoke out and stopped the tower master.

The tower master's face remained unchanged, as if he hadn't heard these people's words.

Those alchemists who were not from aristocratic families sensed that the aura in the hall was not quite right, so they looked at each other, and the clever ones didn't say anything.

At this moment, the person who went out to spread the message ran in again out of breath, "Tower Master, I brought people in, they really have very important things."

This person didn't see it. The moment he brought the person in, the tower master's face changed.

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