Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1332: The importance of fifty layers

"OK, no problem!"

Li Pu answered.

Two of them, one dared to speak and the other dared to answer.

In their view, the fifty-fifth-level topic seems to be guaranteed to pass.

Seeing this scene, the people in the hall heard their conversation and were very speechless.


"Made, when did this kid go to the fiftieth floor?"

Ling Shiquan was really stunned this time!

Didn't they just discuss the kung fu for a while?

It's like a blink of an eye, why is this kid so fast?

Ling Shiquan looked at Li Zhen blankly, his mouth grew wide, his eyes widened, and he stared at everything in front of him dumbfounded.

After Ling Shiquan's reminder, everyone in the hall was stunned.


Everyone even forgot how to breathe, everyone stared at the water curtain in front of them blankly.

But Jiang Yuchen seemed to have seen a ghost, his body swayed, and his face instantly turned pale.


He clenched his fists and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

Fifty floors!

This is impossible!

Jiang Yuchen couldn't wait to step forward and destroy the water curtain.

He didn't believe it at all. How could there be such a powerful person in the world, who went to the fifty-fifth floor in such a short time. Is this something human can do?

Jiang Yuchen stared at the water curtain blankly, expecting that Li Zhen would not pass the test of the fifty-fifth floor. As long as he did not pass the fifty-fifth floor, there would be a solution to everything.

If Li Zhen passes, then Li Zhen in the Kylin City is equivalent to having a death-free gold medal, this gold medal for the death-free, the entire Kirin City has less than ten people.

For millions of years, in a big city with tens of millions of people, fewer than ten people have this gold medal for death.

This shows what?

If Li Zhen gets it, I am afraid that as long as Li Zhen stays in Kirin City, his life will not be in danger in this life.

And such a character, he was offended to death.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuchen shook his head vigorously.

No, absolutely not, Li Zhen must be knocked down the bottomless abyss, otherwise, their Jiang family will be completely finished.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuchen regretted a bit, but his regretful thoughts were immediately forgotten by him after he thought of yesterday's events.

Li Zhen will definitely not pass the 50th floor test. There is a one in ten million chance that Li Zhen cannot get it.

But reality once again gave him a resounding slap. Just when he wanted to worship all the gods, Li Zhen was already on the fifty-first floor.


Jiang Yuchen sat on the ground.

And at this moment, in front of the water curtain, all the people in Kylin City are boiling!

They had another **** in Qilin City!

Dandi Li Zhen!

Those people began to look at the little fat man in the water curtain, expecting that this little fat man would also pass the test of the 50th floor. In this way, it was enough to prove that their martial arts in the Eastern Desolation had reached a heyday.

Perhaps, their entire Donghuang can take this opportunity to become the center of the entire cultivation world again.

Seeing Li Zhenzhen on the fifty-first floor, the tower owner was excited.

"Quick, turn on the Donghuang Water Curtain Mirror."

Everyone in the hall was startled at first, and then all cheered up, even the dozens of alchemists who came from aristocratic families were cheered up at this moment.

Ling Shiquan, who saw this scene in secret, smiled faintly.

It seems that these people are not completely hopeless.

If these people only care about their respective families at this moment, then these people are really not saved.

After today, they will really be driven out of Danta, and then their family will be driven out of Qilin City.

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