Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1338: Kill the people in the Eastern Desolation Mansion

Li Zhen stared at this person coldly.

The people in the Eastern Desolation Mansion are really too arrogant and domineering.

At this moment, this person's life has been squeezed in his hands, but facing him, this person still has not the slightest restraint, but is even more arrogant.

If not for this moment, Li Zhen really wants to peel off this person's head and take a look at what is inside, is it bean curd?

Didn’t you see that your own life is still in the hands of others?

"Boy, just kill it! Don't worry! The more you don't deal with the people of the Eastern Desolation Mansion, the more Danta will protect you!"

At this moment, Ling Shiming said through voice transmission.

Li Zhen was startled when he heard the words, and then the smile on his face became even brighter.

I don't know why, seeing the smile on Li Zhen's face, the person's heart shook, and a feeling of extreme anxiety surged into his heart.

This person looked at Li Zhen in shock. Could Li Zhen really dare to kill him?


The next moment, this person was stunned, with unwillingness and despair on his face, and disappeared from this world forever.

In Kylin City, everyone watched this scene blankly.

Those people looked at Li Zhen in a daze. Don't Li Zhen know what power this person belongs to?

No, this person seemed to introduce them right away when he came.

The strength of these people is not high, but they always look like a silly cross with eyes above the top. If they didn't tell their identities the first time, they would have been killed directly by some reckless men.

So why did Li Zhen dare to kill this person directly?

Among the crowd, Jiang Yuchen was excited all over.


Li Zhen was so bold as to kill the people from the Eastern Desolation Mansion!

This is the Eastern Desolation Mansion!

The first force in the entire East Desolation!

Even Danta didn't dare to provoke the existence. Li Zhen killed the people in the Eastern Desolation Mansion in such a grand manner. What did he think in his mind?

Jiang Yuchen stared at Li Zhen closely. He wanted to see Li Zhen's thoughts, but he failed. Li Zhen just smiled and looked at the rest of the Eastern Desolate Mansion, without a trace of fear on his face. situation.

Dongfeng Group.

Before the water curtain.

The tea cup in Xu Bing's hand fell directly to the ground. His eyes were round, he looked at the scene in the water curtain in disbelief, his lips trembled, and he didn't know what to say.

"Everyone, is God helping us?"

"a ha ha ha!"

Xu Bing was almost dancing, and he was so happy.

The development of this matter really suits him more and more.

Xu Bing never thought that this time, God seemed to stand on his side, and everything that happened would be extremely beneficial to him.

The heads of the various sects were startled when they saw Li Zhen killing the man, and then became completely excited.


Without Li Zhen, what would the City Lord's Mansion use against them?

Do you recruit an alchemist?

Their Dongfeng Group has a lot more money than the City Lord's Mansion.

These people were surprised to find that they unknowingly regarded Li Zhen as so important, and it almost became the key to whether they could defeat the City Lord's Mansion.


Xu Bing also discovered this.

At the same time, the City Lord's Mansion and Bai Caotang were completely dumbfounded.

Li Zhen actually killed the people of the Eastern Desolation Mansion. After the entire Eastern Desolation, who would dare to protect him?

In the entire Eastern Desolation, apart from Danta, who would dare to provoke Eastern Desolation Palace?


Suddenly a bright light flashed across their minds.

They suddenly thought of a condition that made Li Zhen unscrupulous.


Just when they thought about it, everyone in Qilin City thought of this.

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