Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1350: Half-step saint

But the surprise of the tower owner didn't last long, because Li Zhen's absent-mindedness only lasted less than a minute.

Seeing Li Zhen recovering so quickly, Ling Shiquan laughed.

The tower master's face seemed to have eaten a fly.

The tower master coldly looked at Ling Shiquan who was exaggerated and laughing. It seemed that he was too tolerant of Ling Shiquan during this period of time, and this kid was going to ride on his head and shit.

"You two little kings|Badan, go out! Don't bother me here!"

At this moment, the old man spoke. The old man's voice was very soft, but everyone heard clearly.

The tower master is Danta's highest leader|leader, but in front of the old man, he didn't even dare to let go. Hearing the old man's words, the two went out without a hitch.

After the tower master and Ling Shiquan left, the old man looked at Li Zhen quietly, and Li Zhen also looked at the old man quietly and neither of them spoke.

Li Zhen pretended not to feel the elder's divine sense, but the holy spirit ability "Hidden Sky Over the Sea" suddenly operated.

Li Zhen is very confident about the Saint-level skills obtained by the system. This is what he dares to come here to rely on. This old man is very powerful, but in front of the system, it is not worth mentioning.

After a while, a smile appeared on the old man's face.

Very well, Li Zhen's life experience is very innocent. It's not as reported outside. Li Zhen is a member of their cultivation world.

It seems that what the person outside said was that someone was jealous of his Danta, so he deliberately slandered him.

"Boy, what is your cultivation base?"

The old man was dumbfounded to find that he could not see through Li Zhen's cultivation.

In his opinion, this is almost impossible. You must know that in this cultivation world, his strength is almost among the top five, and there is almost nothing that can make him invisible.

However, he really didn't see through Li Zhen, and the old man was surprised.

"Return to seniors, the ninth-rank four-layer boy!"

As Li Zhen said, his aura bloomed without reservation.

Perceiving the terrifying strength in Li Zhen's body, the old man was very satisfied.

This is a genius, and a peerless genius.

Less than twenty years old!

Nine-star god-level alchemist!

I heard that he is still a god-level mixer!

Now he is even a monk in the realm of Taiyi Immortal King!

The old man looked at Li Zhen, and it became more pleasing to the eye!

No wonder this kid is so powerful, he used the ancient ways of cultivation!

Li Zhen didn't know what the old man was thinking, if he knew it, he would definitely sneer!

Shit nine-star god-level alchemist, he is a saint-level alchemist, and he is also a saint-level alchemist.

"You kid still knows convergence, which is very good. I will say that later. Also, the old man has already developed the kind of pill that you got, and there are no side effects. Remember?"

"If you don't have a last resort, don't show your cultivation skills!"

"Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it!"

"Wait for another twenty years, at that time, you will report your cultivation base! At that time, those people will not dare to move you!"

The old man said very categorically!

Li Zhen looked at the old man in astonishment.

He heard the meaning of the old man's words, is it possible that the old man is going to break through Hunyuan?

After Hunyuan Daluo, he must still have a realm, otherwise how did the name of the Heavenly King come from?

Seeing Li Zhen's astonishment, the old man smiled triumphantly again: "Boy, the old man has touched the threshold of a saint. When the old man advances to a saint, in this world, who dares to provoke you?"

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