Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1358: Ronaldo followed

Li Zhen looked helpless when watching these people perform. Do you really think that you will be able to escape?

I have to say that Qian Yuanshan's strength is really low.

If there is a Hunyuan, it is estimated that no one will dare to catch Li Pu's attention, but a Taiyi is indeed somewhat insufficient in deterrence.

At this moment, a wave of undetectable changes in the void came.

Li Zhen sighed slightly, it seemed that Qian Yuanshan's idea was doomed to fail.


I don't know who shouted.

All the people in Qianyuan Mountain fled towards the distance.

"Brother Li, follow my father to Qianyuan Mountain!"

At this moment, Li Pu's voice sounded from Li Zhen's mind.

Li Zhen stopped Li Pu, who hadn't run away in the chaos, "Brother Li, don't be useless!"

Li Pu's face changed drastically when he saw that he was stopped by Li Zhen.

Sun Guicheng didn't even think of this, and was horrified, "Li Zhen, what do you want to do?"

Their last support was destroyed in Li Zhen's hands.

The people in Qianyuan Mountain seemed to be eating Li Zhen one by one. In their opinion, Li Zhen and the people who shot are a group. Maybe, there are people from Danta among those who shot. .

But the next moment, they froze.


With a crisp sound, the Qian Yuanshan disciples who were too late to react suddenly encountered something, and the whole person disappeared.

No scream!

No sign!

It just disappeared suddenly!

Sun Guicheng, the big disciple of Qian Yuanshan, looked at the scene in front of him in amazement, a little dumbfounded.

He took out the life soul cards of these people, and the soul cards of these people who disappeared had been shattered!

His face became horrified!

There is another Immortal King Daluo!

And, at least one!

Thinking of this, Sun Guicheng's eyes showed determination.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry, I blamed you, please, take Junior Brother Li Pu to escape here, okay?"

Sun Guicheng looked at Li Zhen with eager eyes. Now, the only person he can rely on is Li Zhen. Moreover, Li Zhen had clearly noticed the arrival of the Immortal King Daluo in advance. Otherwise, if Li Zhen hadn’t stopped him. According to Li Pu, at this moment, Junior Brother Li Pu should have been taken away.

"Big brother, don't!"

Li Pu's eyes were splitting, he guessed what the big brother was going to do, and clenched his fists. The big brother is just an early Taiyi Immortal King. If he confronts a Da Luo, he will stop even if he uses the means of the master That Da Luo, it only took a few minutes.

A few minutes!

How far can they escape?

Moreover, after a few minutes, the big brother will undoubtedly die!

There is no possibility of survival?

It is worthless to ruin the life of a genius disciple in exchange for his fate for a few minutes!

Li Pu's face turned pale, and he suddenly realized that he was wayward.

If he were more sleek and agreed to Danta's request, even if someone came, these people would never dare to be so blatant.

Moreover, I would never dare to come so many people!

But now I regret it's too late!

At this moment, Li Pu suddenly looked at Li Zhen, and he was surprised to find that Li Zhen's face had never changed from beginning to end.

An idea suddenly popped out of Li Pu's mind. Although he also felt impractical, at this moment, that idea had become his life-saving straw.


Li Pu suddenly turned around and knelt down to Li Zhen...

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