Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1383: Jianshan Mutation

"You said, this mountain is really a weapon left by our ancestors from time to time!"

Luo Xiangming looked at the huge mountain in front of him curiously, and said casually.

He does not mean that.

Cang Min looked at the huge mountain in front of him, and suddenly felt a voice calling her from deep in his heart.

Cang Min frowned, and went out, but found nothing.

Seeing Cang Min's appearance, Gao Jian and others were puzzled.

"Have you heard a voice?"

After Cang Min asked, when he saw the eyes of Gao Jian and others, he knew that they had not heard it.

Cang Min's brow furrowed even harder, and it seemed that only she could hear this voice.

"Senior, did you hear anything?"

Gao Jian was puzzled. He listened carefully for a while, but there was no strange sound.

Cang Min motioned to them not to make a sound, and then walked step by step towards the sword mountain forest.

Gao Jin and the others are not worried. Cang Min is one of the few masters in Country H. If something goes wrong with her, they will be more qualified to go back alive.

The closer you get to the forest, the louder the call from the bottom of your heart, the power of the Cang Min Dao shook, and he walked slowly forward. Once he found something wrong, he immediately shot.

Since ancient times, Jianshan Senyu has carried many myths and legends.

There are rumors that this is the sword washing pool of a sword god, who has challenged countless swordsmanship masters in his life. He has never defeated, and later battle is invincible, and moved here with a frustration. Throwing the divine sword on the ground, over time, this huge mountain forest was formed.

However, many people think that these legends are just made up by some people, because Jianshan is so small that even tourists don't like to visit here.

Cang Min walked to the foot of the mountain.

That sharp aura became more and more fierce, that magnificent and huge aura, as if a giant standing in front of her.

Cang Min wondered, her cultivation level had broken through the Immortal King Daluo, and she was already at the top of this world, but why could she still feel jealous here.

Is there really something frightening hidden in these mountains?

Gao Jian and the others were surprised when they saw Cang Min standing there in a daze.

Cang Min walked forward again, feeling that the call in front of him became louder and louder, even a little bewildering.

Fortunately, Cang Min's cultivation was high and profound, resisting the excitement in his heart, and then withdrew from Jianshan Forest Region.

"Luan Yunshan, inform Dao Dao Master Duobao and let him take a look!"

As Cang Min said, with a wave of his hand, the terrifying earth rhythm suddenly appeared, and the speed at which those drastic changes appeared was significantly slower.

Seeing Cang Min's solemnity, Luan Yunshan didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly made a call and notified Dao Bao Dao Master Cang Min what he had said.

At this moment, a loud rumbling noise suddenly came from inside, and it sounded as if a person was opening the door in the distance.

Cang Min and others looked cautious, waiting quietly for the evolution inside.


There was a muffled noise in the forest, which was the sound of cracking mountains.

From a distance, there are many large and wide cracks on the surface, and boulders fall from the mountains from time to time.

Obviously, the mountain is also undergoing tremendous evolution.

People can no longer go in the sky above Jianshan Forest.

A terrifying aura appeared, once a living aura appeared in the sky above the sword mountain forest, it would be beheaded by a fierce light.

Seeing all this in front of them, Gao Jian and others finally knew why Cang Min was so afraid of here.

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