Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1391: Donghuangcheng

"Little bastard, I almost forgot those good things!"

It doesn't matter if Zhu Yun and the kitten absorb a little bit, but the little guy is a big stomach king, and that little holy fetal liquid is probably not enough for the baby to swallow for ten minutes.

In the world of Godhead, all the avenues of the little guy have been sealed, and the cultivation level is not ninth order, so Li Zhen naturally let it be used.


The little guy was so angry.

Li Zhen listened for a while, and then directly muted the little guy.

The little guy opened his mouth and closed, but he couldn't make any sound. The anxious little guy was very uncomfortable, and finally started crying directly.

Li Zhen's upset when he listened, simply directly blocked the little guy's voice.

Li Zhen appeared in the shape of a cat, and then entered the city while others were not paying attention, exuding his breath unscrupulously.

The Eastern Desolation Mansion is indeed a force that can suppress the Dange, and keep the Eastern Desolation City in good order. Although the population is not more than that of Qilin City, there are many strong ones.

A human figure appeared in the city and asked the direction of the city lord mansion, and then Li Zhen walked towards the city lord mansion.

The Eastern Desolation Mansion is one of the forces that are extremely determined to deal with the mortal world. Li Zhen does not have the slightest psychological burden to bring disasters here.

I heard the ancestors of the Li family have said many times that the Eastern Desolation Mansion had killed no more than a thousand Li family children without making it clear that the Li family was a force in the mortal world.

There are many ditches in the Eastern Desolate City. This is the drinking water of Eastern Desolate City, which flows through every main road in Eastern Desolate City.

Coming to the side of the City Lord's Mansion, Li Zhen showed the cat's body, and then jumped into the ditch on the side of the City Lord's Mansion.

This water must lead to the city lord's mansion.

It stands to reason that there are all warriors in the City Lord's Mansion, and they don't need drinking water, but I don't know if the people in this City Lord's Mansion are mentally ill, so they have to dug a ditch to enter the City Lord's Mansion.

But this is good, Li Zhen thinks so anyway.

At this moment, a terrifying wave suddenly came from a distant place.

Li Zhen found out his spiritual sense and immediately recognized that this breath was the thing that chased them down.

Li Zhen quickly released a faint breath, and then hid in the city lord's mansion.

This ditch led directly to the center of the city lord's mansion. He walked to the center, and then did not come forward, but continued to dig down.

The giant bird smelled the scent of the holy fetal liquid on Li Zhen's body, his eyes became crimson, and then came towards the Eastern Desolate City without any scruples.

"There are monsters!"

The guard saw the giant bird from afar and shouted.

"Hand over the murderer who killed my child!"

The giant bird uttered words and snarled frantically.

Li Zhen heard the words, looked at the little guy, and saw its aggrieved appearance, so he was so angry that you stole a child from someone else, why do you still have the face to cry?

Hearing Li Zhen's words, the baby silkworm squeaked in defense.

Li Zhen ignored it, but paid attention to the development of the situation.

"In Xia Donghuang Mansion Donghuangjun, I met Senior Yan Peng!"

A big Luo Immortal King appeared out of thin air, facing this terrifying giant bird, without the slightest fear, he said hello neither humble nor humble.

"Dong Huangjun, hand over the murderer who killed my child!"

Yan Peng turned into a human form, and roared coldly. It seemed that he had been suppressed to the extreme, and he would start fighting if he didn't agree.

Seeing Yan Peng like this, Dong Huangjun began to play drums.

If it is an ordinary person, he is really not very afraid, but the person who came is Yan Peng, a tyrant of the Eastern Desolation, and this is a very unreasonable master.

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