Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Vol 2 Chapter 1398: Forbidden Land

"East Waste Forbidden Land!"

After Li Zhen arrived, a huge monument was erected in front of him, with four characters on it.

"This is the legendary Eastern Wilderness Forbidden Land?"

Li Zhen snorted, why did he escape here?

Both Nezha and Duan Yushan mentioned this place, saying that even if Hunyuan Daluo Immortal King entered, it was difficult to guarantee that they could retreat.

"Change direction!"

"Made, what a bad luck!"

Li Zhen was speechless, "Void escape technique!"



There was a crackling sound in the void.

Li Zhen's face changed drastically.

This time, he did not hide, and was hit in the chest by Yan Peng's slap.

Hunyuan Daluo Immortal King's blow, what a terrifying power it was.

Li Zhen did not have the slightest resistance, and was blasted into the forbidden land by Yan Peng.


The old man of the Eastern Desolation was desperate to see this scene!

Furious, he slashed the ally just now.

"Presumptuous, old man in the Eastern Desolation, I really thought I was afraid of you!"

Yan Peng was also angry after being attacked repeatedly by the old man of the Eastern Desolation. He was not squeezed in the mud. He was so humiliated, how could he continue to endure it.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

With a sudden change, Yan Peng's golden body was revealed, and a terrifying aura bloomed.

Seeing that Yan Peng showed his true body, the old man of the Eastern Wilderness obviously wanted to start a war, but he was also on fire during this period. In addition, the "Ethics Zhenjing" was lost, how could his fire be suppressed? .

He knew that Yan Peng should have seen something, but Yan Peng still did not hesitate to bombard Li Zhenji into the forbidden land of the Eastern Wasteland. If this was not intentional, he absolutely did not believe it.

Thinking of this, the old man of the Eastern Wilderness glanced at Yan Peng, a little boy in the early days of Hunyuan, really thought he was the strongest in this world?

The two came up to be a battle of life and death, all kinds of terrifying tactics were desperately urged.

Perhaps the movement between the two of them was so loud that it disturbed the Eastern Wilderness Forbidden Land, and a daunting breath suddenly burst out.

However, Donghuang Laojun and Yan Peng have already hit real fire, how could they stop because of such a small matter.


The trembling movement of the forbidden land in the east wasteland is getting bigger and bigger.

The old man of the Eastern Desolation showed a simple sword in his hand, slashed it out, and flew into Yan Peng.

Yan Peng's golden body was hit by Pu Dao, and the golden body almost collapsed.

The golden body cultivation of the monster clan is not as good as the old monarch of the Eastern Desolation. In addition, the cultivation level of the old monarch of the Eastern Desolation is much stronger than that of Yan Peng, and Yan Peng was almost blasted into the Eastern Desolation Forbidden Land.

Feeling the terrifying aura behind him, Yan Peng let out a scream, and without any mercy, he killed him, but in the blink of an eye, the energy in the air rioted and burst.


The two Hun Yuan Da Luo really got angry this time.

The last time Duan Yushan had a fight with the old man of the Eastern Wilderness, but that time, they knew that Duan Yushan could not really kill the old man of the Eastern Wilderness. They just fought a few hands. Although the old man of the Eastern Wilderness was also injured, But they were all minor injuries, some of the skin was broken, and they were harmless.

But this time is different.


In the void, the swords are vertical and horizontal, and the shadows of the swords and swords are condensed, and various avenues are frequently presented.

At this moment, an abnormal breath came out silently from the Eastern Wasteland.

Very faint, the two Hun Yuan Da Luo Immortal Kings didn't even notice.


The two insisted once again, and the surrounding breath suddenly became disordered.

The next moment, that breath surrounded the two strongest...

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