Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Vol 2 Chapter 1406: Taking Luo Jinlian

Throwing the ant royal jelly to the baby silkworm, the little guy immediately held it in his arms with a smile, and then licked it with his little tongue.

The kitten glanced at the dull silkworm baby, then opened his mouth wide, and went in one mouthful. The next moment, a pair of big amber eyes shined brightly, and then he closed his eyes contentedly and lay on the ground.

Zhu Yunqi had never doubted Li Zhen and Can Bao’s eyesight, sat down cross-legged, and then threw it into his mouth.

Seeing the three of them gnawing on royal ant jelly, Li Zhen searched for Luo Jinlian in the world of Godhead.

The "Ethics Zhenjing" is so precious that the system did not take the initiative to remind it. But Luo Jinlian, the system reminded him, and Li Zhen recognized the system's vision. As long as the system reminded, it is definitely a good thing.

However, it is not a good thing to have more good things, and it is particularly troublesome to search.

Li Zhen simply asked Li Wujiu's family to help find it.

It was the first time that their family saw so many babies, but compared to Li Zhen's master of a world, these babies were not worth mentioning.

After searching for three hours, Li Zhen found Da Luo Jinlian in the pile of treasures.

Li Zhen took the big Luo Jinlian and looked at it. This thing looked like an ordinary lotus, but the side of the flower was infested with gold. There was nothing special?

And how does this thing work? Directly?

The next moment, a shadow flew over with a "wish", holding the big Luo Jinlian and wanted to run.

"Position technique!"

Li Zhen was so angry that he swung the beast emperor bar and smashed it.

The baby silkworm immediately stiffened and fell to the ground.

Li Zhen stared at the baby silkworm with anger. This little guy couldn't see good things. Once he saw it, he would definitely want to grab it.

As soon as the three breathing time passed, the little guy immediately looked at Li Zhen flatly, climbed in front of Li Zhen with royal ant jelly, and then signaled that it was going to exchange royal jelly for Luo Jinlian.

Li Zhen looked at the wet saliva still running on it, and his face was speechless.

Moreover, this kind of business can only be done by a shameless guy like Can Bao.

"Hey hey!"

Seeing that Li Zhen hadn't exchanged ideas, the little guy immediately covered his cheeks with tears, and his voice was like weeping and resentment. It looked like he had suffered a great grievance.

"While going cool, this is my life in exchange. You also want to take advantage. Why is your face so small because you are so small?"

Li Zhen looked at the little guy speechlessly.

"Hey hey!"

The little guy played a rogue and said bluntly that he must get a share.

"Okay, as long as you tell what it is and what it does, I will give you a little bit!"

Li Zhen smiled and looked at the little guy.


After the little guy heard it, he said directly, it doesn't matter, anyway, it is good things, and good things have their share.

Faced with such a shameless baby silkworm, Li Zhen said nothing, plucked a petal off and filled it into his mouth.

"Ding, you ate Luo Jinlian (1/10), the evolution point is +1 million, and all avenues are +10%!"

Li Zhen waited as soon as he ate, but after the system reminded him, he stopped talking. He stayed in a daze. Is this over?

The baby silkworm saw that Li Zhen had eaten the big Luo Jinlian, and then stayed there, his small eyes twitched, and then jumped onto Zhu Yunshou's body without thinking, picked up the royal ant jelly and continued to lick it. Never mention the exchange with Li Zhen again.

Li Zhen had this situation twice after eating, but each time he was poisoned.

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