Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Vol 2 Chapter 1418: System warning

"Hi, Brother Yanpeng, it's been a long time since I saw you, so you are not dead yet!"

Li Zhen waved his hand to greet Yan Peng far away.

When Yan Peng saw so many people on Li Zhen's side, he turned his head and ran away without saying a word!

After so many days, after becoming an ordinary person, the cultivation base was lost, and the cruelty of life had worn out the temper of the Immortal King Hun Yuan.

Li Zhen has been chased by Yan Peng for so long, and now the situation is reversed, how could he let such a good opportunity disappear from his eyes.

Taking one step, Yan Peng was caught up by Li Zhen before he ran a few steps out.

Yan Peng was so frightened to see this scene. He had personally experienced how solid the void was. He could feel that his cultivation was still there, but he was sealed.

Over the past few days, he has also realized how difficult it is to upgrade. Now seeing Li Zhen stepping up into the air, Yan Peng suddenly felt heartbroken.

Li Zhen didn't have time to grind with him, and bombarded him with a punch, and there was a sonic boom in the sky.

Sonic boom!

Yan Peng can naturally imagine how difficult it is to hear the sonic boom in such a solid void.

Perceiving the horror of this punch, Yan Pengzai couldn't care about Hun Yuan Daluo's face anymore, and a lazy donkey rolled around and avoided Li Zhen's punch.

"Brother Yan Peng, you are a lazy donkey who can use it very well. It can be said that you are superb. You won't be practicing this style all this time, right?"

After all, it is Hunyuan Daluo. Even if his cultivation is completely lost, his awareness of crisis handling is still incomparable to ordinary people.

Moreover, Zhang Xuan was even more afraid of the person who created this place. Even Hunyuan Daluo Immortal King's cultivation base was sealed by the seal. Who is this person?

Could it be...

The creator of my own system has an antagonism with the owner of this place, otherwise, why would my own system simply create a way of power that cannot be sealed here?

Thinking of this, Li Zhen's heart squatted, this kind of thing is not impossible.

Yan Peng didn't seem to hear the ridicule in Li Zhen's words, and used his speed to the extreme.

Fortunately, although his cultivation base was sealed, his physical strength was still there, and Yan Peng showed a monster body, flying into the sky.

Seeing Yan Peng spread his wings, Li Zhen knew he was going to escape.

He stepped on the ground with one foot and rose into the air, kicking on the back of Yan Peng who had just started flying.

Li Zhen laughed, his body roared, and bombarded the landing Yan Peng.

"Ding, the system warns that during the registration period, you must not attack other people for no reason! Otherwise, it will be treated seriously!"

Just when Li Zhen's foot was about to hit Yan Peng's head, a system prompt sounded suddenly.

Li Zhen was shocked!

The lifted foot stagnated in the air.

Yan Peng was startled, then laughed arrogantly.

"Li Zhen, come on, you're hitting me! If you don't hit you, you will be my grandson!"

Yan Peng roared at Li Zhen.

"Brother Li, don't be impulsive!"

Zhu Yunxi grabbed Li Zhen, and he was afraid of this mysterious place here.

Since the owner here can even seal the cultivation base of Immortal King Hunyuan Daluo, the lowest cultivation base of this person is also a heavenly king, even a heavenly sovereign.

It is unwise to be an enemy of such a strong man!

Hearing Zhu Yunshou's words, Yan Peng became even more arrogant, and various provocative language followed one after another.

"Yun Yan, you forgot how we upgraded?"

Li Zhen said lightly.

Zhu Yunshou was startled, suddenly thinking of something, and let go of the hand that grabbed Li Zhen...

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