Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 265: Which garlic are you

"Boy, I think you have some misunderstandings about the sectarian world?" The man looked at Li Zhen sarcastically.

"Thinking that the school has introduced measures, we dare not do anything to you?"

"Boy, you want to listen to what Brother Fan said in the future, do you know?"

The person looked at Li Zhen with condescending eyes, and the eyes of others became more and more interesting.

"He is my teacher?"

Li Zhen stretched out his finger to Fan Zhengyang. When those people heard this, their smiles faded.

"He is my parents?"

Li Zhen went on to say that Fan Zhengyang seemed to have expected what Li Zhen was saying, his face was full of anger.

"Boy, what do you mean?" The man standing in front of Li Zhen glared at Li Zhen and roared.

"He is neither my teacher nor my parents. What kind of garlic is he? I want me to listen to him? Li Zhen's life is my life, so why don't I follow his orders!"

Li Zhen jokingly looked at these people, a group of clubs, if he didn't want to solve these people once and for all, he wouldn't have come to live with these people.

The dean of the dignified alchemy academy and a group of high school students fought with each other, and it was only a joke.

Li Zhen yawned: "I'm leaving, I don't have time to be here with you little broken kids."

"IC, you...Um!" Just as the man was about to scold him, he felt a huge force hit his abdomen. He flew out, knowing that he had hit a tree, and then stopped.

A shadow flashed, and the man was caught by Li Zhen's neck before he slipped off the tree.

Li Zhen looked at the man coldly, with a murderous intent looming in his eyes. The man only felt that he was being stared at by the ancient beast, and a smell of urine spread out.

The few people who were about to do it froze in fright and froze in place. They came into contact with Li Zhen's slightly hollow eyes. For some reason, they all made a thud in their hearts, and they were terrified.

But they quickly came back to their senses, and were ashamed of the fear they had just been scared of. They were so scared because of a trash.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" Fan Zhengyang's expression suddenly became sullen, and at the same time he took a step, punching Li Zhen in the chest, and the others also started at the same time.

But the next moment, the five figures flew out suddenly.

"Let's do it together!" The five teamed up again, but before their offensive started, they were kicked back by Li Zhen.

"The one he scolded first, your hands first." Li Zhen said lightly, taking a step forward, and disappearing in front of them.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Fan Zhengyang flew out again, all hanging on the tree, slammed his head against the trunk, making a few muffled noises, and then passed out into a coma.

What happened, all this happened in the electric light and flint, no one can react.

Li Zhen glanced at these six people. They should have some memory now, and then slowly walked towards the classroom.

When Li Zhen returned to the classroom, the classmates were discussing how miserable he would be beaten. Until Li Zhen sat down in his seat, everyone did not react. Only Tie Wudi muttered: "I just said. You are going to be beaten, you don’t listen, are you beaten?"

The classmates are all sluggish, how come it is Li Zhen who will come back, didn't Fan Zhengyang and the others do it? Just warned Li Zhen once?

That must be the case, otherwise how could Li Zhen come back unharmed?

Thinking of this, those people looked at Li Zhen mockingly. It was really **** luck, but that's it. Fan Zhengyang and the others have already targeted him, and sooner or later they will still be beaten.

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