Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 331: The cat is heresy

The relevant department, is this cat?

Although Lin Tianshan didn’t know much about monster beasts, he also understood that the stronger the monster beast’s strength, the bigger the size.

Looking at Li Zhen's length of less than 50cm, Lin Tianshan laughed.

"Little guy, is it up to you to catch me?"

"The return of God requires you to dedicate your life, boy, this is your destiny."

Lin Tianshan's madness, the stronger his strength, the scarce power of belief surrounding him, making him look like a messenger of God walking in the world.

"This... how could it happen?" Lin Wei felt his son's body rising continuously, his mouth opened wide and it was difficult to close it.

This kind of breath... Is there really a **** in the world?

"Those who believe in me will have eternal life!"

At this moment, Lin Tianshan spoke, his voice as cold as frost, but it sounded extremely noble, his eyes bloomed with divine light, a little bit of star gleaming around his body, and a pair of invisible wings appeared behind him, forming a faint Halo.

"God! It's really a god!" Everyone in the Lin family was stunned when they saw this scene, staring blankly, their eyes gradually becoming pious.

A few even knelt on the ground and began to pray.

"God loves the world!" The cold voice came from Lin Tianshan's mouth again.

That voice didn't seem to come from the world at all, it seemed to pass through the endless void.

"Heart, you have to accept God's punishment!" Lin Tianshan stretched out his hand to Li Zhen.


Special, just this little power of faith, who scares?

Li Zhen is angry, what stuff, I am a heresy?

A power of faith that clearly surpassed that of Lin Tianshan suddenly appeared. Unlike Lin Tianshan, Lin Tianshan’s power of faith came from the outside world, while Li Zhen’s power of faith came out of his body.


With a hum, a magnificent flame burst out from Li Zhen’s head. The hot flame seemed to be able to burn everything. Under the eyes of a pair of fire, people were as cold as ice. When Li Zhen’s eyes came, the whole body trembled. He knelt on the ground with a "puff".

The twelve pairs of flame wings spread gently, and the terrifying aura filled the surrounding space with a cold mood.

Under the power of Li Zhen's terrifying belief, the **** that Lin Tianshan evolved was like a paper, and would be submerged in the ocean at any time.

"A false god, who dare to pretend to be an envoy from the gods, who are you?" Li Zhen said proudly.

Lin Tianshan on the opposite side was stunned!

Of course he knew why his aura suddenly increased, but what happened to the massive power of faith that suddenly poured out of that cat?

Is this cat really a god?

God cat?

Those who bowed down to Lin Tianshan saw the image of Li Zhen and instantly changed their beliefs.

"Meet the cat god!" Those people worshipped Li Zhen piously.

At this moment, Li Zhen was stunned. He seemed to see a weak power of faith coming from those people.

There seems to be an invisible channel connecting him with these people, but this feeling is fleeting, if it were not for Li Zhen's carefulness, it would not even be noticed.

Li Zhen slowly explored, and finally, he found the passage that existed in a certain dimension. He thought of the feedback of the gods in the past life to the believers, and tentatively threw a trace of faith back through the passage.


At the next moment, everyone was stunned, only to see the few kneeling on the ground suddenly broke through!

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