Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 344: Muddled the battlefield

Li Zhen stepped forward, bullied himself, and killed!

That terrifying aura caused the black-clothed strong man to tremble all over, and he finally realized the feelings of the people beside him.

"Help me!" he cried out involuntarily.

Several people rushed over immediately, wanting to help.

The next moment, everyone was stunned, and saw that Li Zhen used his body skills to bypass the man in black and punched the man behind him. The man was taken aback and tried his best to meet him.

"Soul Blade!"

That person is sluggish!

"Open heaven!"

Li Zhen slapped the man on the head.


With a crisp sound, the man's head cracked!

"it is good!"

Li Zhen didn't mean to kill the man in black at all, but continued to chase and kill the people around him.

"Fuck, he is a traitor!" Someone finally understood Li Zhen's ‘good intentions’, and pointed at the man in black and shouted.

"..." The man in black was startled, "Cao Peng, you are so bloodless."

"Boy, looking for death!" Li Zhen yelled at the man in black and punched him. The man in black was shocked and turned sideways.

"Soul Blade!" A magnificent spiritual force suddenly slashed on the man's head, and the man was imprisoned without notice.

Li Zhen's fist struck in an instant, hitting that person's head!


Just like a watermelon, with a crisp sound, red splashes fly.

Seeing this scene, all the cultists were dull.

This scene seems to be a coincidence, and the coincidence makes them feel puzzled.

Reminiscing about the people who were killed by Li Zhen before, the deaths of these people seem to be somewhat related to the people in black.

Ma Dan, yes, what is this **** who is not a traitor?

Why are the people of their gods who died, and none of the moral sacred people died? If all of this is a coincidence, is it too coincidental?

It would be too far-fetched to claim this incident as a coincidence.

"Asshole, you said you are not a traitor!" the cultist roared.

At this moment, Li Zhen took out a tube of reagent and swallowed it in one mouthful.

Seeing the reagent in Li Zhen's hand, the people of the moral sacred sect were startled, and the cult people were angry.

What's so special, I also said that the death of our brothers has nothing to do with you. Why did this kid suddenly come up with your unique reagent of the Holy Church?

Is Li Zhen's infinite recovery related to this reagent?

"The disciples of the cult follows the orders, the people of the moral sacred sect and the relevant departments have long been an alliance, please be careful!" a fifth-grade strongest member of the cult roared.

This strong man’s eyes are splitting, which is really hateful. They have been preparing for this for more than ten years, but they were discovered by the relevant departments when they launched it. Even their teacher, Mei Tianli, who has been dormant for many years, has just been promoted. Sixth grade was killed.

All of this shows that traitors have appeared among them. Now, what are these people who are not moral sacred?

"You fart! Lao Tzu and him are not in the same group, you are less bloody!" Li Zhen curled his lips, and the cat was not in their group, and slammed and killed the man in black with a terrifying aura.

Seeing this scene, those of the cult hurriedly stepped aside to avoid being implicated, and those of the moral sacred cult did not dare to approach.

Li Zhen is too strong!

How could a rank 4 martial artist be so powerful? It's a bit terrifying!

The man in black was so scared that he hurriedly hid from the crowd when he saw Li Zhenbang coming.

"Get out of the way and say you are not a traitor!" The cult person roared and glared at the man in black.

He shifted his attention to the man in black, for fear of being overshadowed by the man in black.

It's now!

A terrifying soul sword slashed on that person's head!

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