Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 357: I am the dean

The headed man in black looked excited when he saw the people from the relevant department coming, but what Li Zhen did next was beyond their expectations.

How dare he?

This is in front of the staff of the relevant department.

Even if they have to constrain, this kid is not afraid to go in and eat the prison food for a lifetime?


The man in black screamed, and his knee broke.

"Stop it!" The dozen or so people from the relevant department were taken aback for a moment, and were angry. The young man in front of him was so bold and arrogant and defiant.

"Captain Wang, grab him, don't let him run away, you can check it, he must be a wanted man." The fat woman stretched her teeth and claws, but she didn't dare to come over.

The people in black originally wanted to stand up and "cooperate" with the authorities to arrest people, but when they saw this, they knelt on the ground in shock.

There were gazes in each ward.

"Deserve it! Fengtian Haicao Jian lives, someone should have come out to clean up him."

"Oh, that child is miserable. People from the relevant department have worn a pair of trousers with Feng Tianhai a long time ago. As long as they are caught, they will not be convicted."

The people in the ward looked at Li Zhen's young face and couldn't help sighing.

Seeing the people from the relevant departments, Li Zhen did not continue to put pressure on them, but after the scene just now, these black-clothed people honestly knelt on the ground and did not dare to get up.

"What is your name? Why do you want to hurt someone?" Captain Wang looked at Li Zhen coldly, his brows full of anger.

"My name is Li Zhen, you guys..." Li Zhenzheng wanted to say, but was interrupted by Captain Wang.

Seeing the people from the relevant departments came, Cai Xiulian was a little scared. Li Xiaoman hurriedly comforted and joked. Li Zhen is a dean of the Martial Arts Academy. He also has a temporary post in the relevant department, and his level is not very low. personal.

"Grab it and take it back for interrogation. My sister-in-law is right. This kid may be a wanted criminal. How many brothers? Go back and check it out." Captain Wang stopped Li Zhen and continued talking.

The people behind Captain Wang knew this set a long time ago, and they jokingly said that they must check it when they go back.

"No need to check, I remember. Today Dongshan City issued a wanted order for some cult personnel. This kid is a member of the moral sacred cult. Captain, don't let him run away!" A person behind Captain Wang suddenly brightened his eyes. , Shouted.

"What? People from the moral sacred religion? Get it!" The people in the relevant department looked at Li Zhen coldly, and someone directly took out and pointed at Li Zhen.

"I really hate someone pointing me at me." Li Zhen frowned, "I am the dean of the Dongshan Wuyuan. They interrupted my father-in-law’s leg, and the hospital forcibly saw off his leg. These things, You need to investigate carefully."

If it weren't for worrying about the trouble going on and the relevant departments will not end well, Li Zhen wouldn't want to put on the airs of the dean. He didn't want to be so high-profile.

He could see that there was definitely a nasty relationship between Captain Wang and these men in black, but just yesterday, he also saw the bloodiness of everyone in the relevant department.

He wanted to give Captain Wang a chance. As long as Captain Wang can make corrections at this time, Li Zhen can let him go.

After Li Zhen finished speaking, the entire ward area became quiet.

The Li Dunru couple looked at Li Zhen blankly, the dean of Dongshan Wuyuan?

Such a young dean? Then, at least the title of deputy director is attached to the relevant departments. Is their Xiaoman so insightful?

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