Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 372: I used to escape under the master

He has played a lot of online games in his previous life, and Li Zhen is the most experienced in dealing with this monster.

The sky thunder bombarded the pine tree, causing the pine tree to make a "squeak" sound, but its roots were deeply rooted in the ground, and it was impossible to escape. Li Zhen could only let Li Zhen bang.

But Li Zhen soon became depressed, because the recovery ability of this pine tree was too strong.

It's really cheating! Li Zhen's belly slandered.

Li Zhen could even feel the pine tree mocking him.

At this moment, the feeling of being stared at came again, and Li Zhen hurriedly used the Eye of Deception, but something that puzzled him happened, and the Eye of Deception, which had been unfavorable, found nothing.

Don't stay here for long!

Li Zhen turned around and wanted to go back. As for Baiyun Cangju, ask for more blessings. Whoever goes back is a fool.

"Boy, the cat will let you off today? When I have time later, I will clean up you!"

Li Zhen yelled at the pine tree, in exchange for a flutter of branches, and the pine tree laughed at Li Zhen's irresponsibility.

"Forget it, there is a good life in the sky, and the cat will let the tree die and build a seventh-level buddha!" ​​Li Zhen decided not to have knowledge of this tree.

What kind of cow? There is something for you to talk?

Li Zhen glanced contemptuously at the pine trees, they were all sixth-order, and they still couldn't speak, it was a waste! When the cat is level one, he can vomit!

Pine tree seemed to understand Li Zhen's meaning, and the branches swayed again with anger. Li Zhen gave Pine Tree a middle finger, then turned around and left.

What a funny trip this time!

In a small county, not only the two great cults exist, but also the legendary master.

What probability is this?

What is this concept?

Li Zhen is out of luck?

Today, it’s been enough to go back and talk to the iron lunatic for half a year. No, it’s enough to talk to Wen Tianye for half a year!

The cat once escaped under the master!

That's the master!

Can any of you do it?

I'm afraid the moment I saw the master, I was scared to pee, right? Run away?

Thinking of this, Li Zhen became proud again.

But as he walked, Li Zhen became depressed. The scenery here was the same everywhere, and it was all the same in the end, and it was impossible to tell the direction. Li Zhen sadly discovered that he only had the road to Baiyun Cangju marked on the system map. One way to go.

This... special!

Li Zhen is speechless!

He never wanted to go back anymore. He was close to the master, and the feeling that he would die at any time would come to his heart, and the feeling that life could not be controlled by himself really didn't want to feel it again.

"Ding, accept the task to rescue Baiyun Cangju, reward evolution points +50,000, and get Baiyun Cangju's friendship, failure penalty: the evolution point is cleared, the realm drops by one level. Time: 180 minutes."

Uh, Li Zhen was dumbfounded when he heard the voice coming from the system. Failure to punish?

This mission is not only a time-limited mission, there are even penalties for failure to complete!

"Properties panel!" Li Zhen said silently in his heart.

【Name: Li Zhen

Race: Thunder Cat (mutation)

Lifespan: 35 days/300 years

Realm: Fourth order

Evolution point: 700,000

Evolution degree: 700,000/1500000

Strength: 25 (30) elephant

Soul power: 30000

Qualification: Green (can evolve 700,000/2,000,000)

Wealth: 3 billion (10,000 can be exchanged for 1 point of evolution)

Bone tempering: 26%]

700,000 evolution points, if it is cleared, Li Zhen can't imagine it...

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