Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 418: Escalation of conflict

"This matter seems to have nothing to do with us." Li Zhen said lightly.

"It has nothing to do with you, it's this little fox who seduces me. If it weren't for her, we would become like this?" Wu Gang felt hot on his face when he saw Li Zhen and the two people’s calm and clear look. The feeling of embarrassment being exposed.

"I urge you to be careful when you speak. How you want to make trouble and make trouble, I will say it again, this matter has nothing to do with us, no matter how arrogantly, your father can't protect you!" Li Zhen said lightly.

"Haha, boy, my father is Wu Zhengkai, Director Wu, in this Yangxin County, you are the first person to say that." Wu Gang exaggeratedly smiled.

Mrs. Wu frowned and looked at Li Zhen. Although her son insisted that it was because of Li Xiaoman, perhaps Li Zhen was too calm. Mrs. Wu always felt that this matter really had nothing to do with others. Because the son is ignorant.

"Haha, young man, I am not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue. In this Yangxin County, you threatened us, you really found the wrong person." Wu Meijia suddenly felt funny. A worthless kid was threatening them.

"Threat?" Li Zhen felt amused. "I will only threaten those who are worthy of my threat. As for you, you can regard it as a piece of advice."

"Boy, don't talk about Director Wu's house, even our Fang family can round you up. As long as I give an order, you can't even get out of this door, believe it or not?" Fang Qiang was so indifferent by Li Zhen Looks angry.

Fang Qiang dialed a number as he spoke, and then in another room, a dozen big men ran out and surrounded Li Zhen fiercely.

"What are you doing? Our family Li Zhen is the guest invited by Director Wu. My son-in-law is a fifth-grade strongest person. Get out of the way, otherwise I want you to look good." Cai Xiulian hid behind Li Zhen in fright, but still shouted.

"Director Wu? Hahaha, after so many years, Cai Xiulian, your habit of bragging has not changed. To tell you the truth, we are Chief Wu’s family, why didn’t we know that the family’s family invited you?" Wu Meijia's face was extremely excited. , Finally found an opportunity to expose the lies of the enemy.

As for Cai Xiulian's claim that Li Zhen is the top five, in their opinion, it is even more unreliable.

"Mother-in-law, if you see it, their family is just lying, they don't believe everything they say." Wu Meijia looked at Cai Xiulian coldly.

His husband invited it? Mrs. Wu gave a squeak in her heart and looked at Li Zhen, who was always indifferent. Dean Li?

"My dad invited you? It's really a horror of the world. Why don't I know my dad invited you, who are you? Do you think you are Dean Li?"

Wu Gang laughed, his eyes full of sarcasm. At first glance, he was the kind of person who deliberately found out that his father was here.

He looked at Li Xiaoman jokingly. It turned out that you were here to beg my dad to do something. Now that you know who you offended, what should I do with you?

He seemed to see Li Xiaoman panicked, kneeling down and begging for forgiveness.

But he was disappointed. After Li Xiaoman learned that he was Director Wu's son, his face did not change at all.

"I suspect that you are a cult member. You are here to be unfavorable to my dad!" The indifferent faces of Li Zhen and Li Xiaoman made Wu Gang angry. He felt that he had been toyed with, and his son's temper for many years made him swallow at all. Not letting down.

In the horrified gaze of his mother, Wu Gang pointed the hand in his hand at Li Zhen, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

With a burst of flames, Wu Gang's face was grim. At such a close distance, even Li Zhen would die no matter how powerful it was.

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