After hanging up Wu Zhengkai's phone, an unfamiliar number called in.

Seeing this number, Li Zhen raised his eyebrows, so fast?

Li Zhen picked it up. There was no voice over there. After a while, an old voice came over, "Master Li|Master, let's meet."

"Okay, where is it?" Li Zhen didn't talk nonsense. It was Feng Jixian. He also wanted to see what Feng Jixian wanted to do. If it was really a nail of a cult, he just pulled out this nail.

Feng Jixian reported a location. Li Zhen turned on his mobile phone to navigate, and it turned out to be an abandoned dock.

Saying goodbye to Li Xiaoman and the others, Li Zhen followed the mobile phone navigation and walked there step by step. Every step he took, he spanned a distance of more than ten meters, and the speed was even faster than the car around him. It looked like A spring breeze passed by.

Two cars were racing on the road, and suddenly a shadow flew over.

A couple of men and women in the car behind were yelling in excitement, and they were shocked by the shadow.

"Um, I seem to see a person walking past." The co-pilot girl said.

The racing boy was so dumbfounded that he thought he was wrong.

"I'm so scared. I've heard people say that someone used to drive a car here and killed someone. Since then, someone has often seen a shadow flash by."

Although the girl painted a thick layer of makeup on her face, she still noticed that her face had become livid, with immature eyes showing behind the heavy makeup.

Hearing this, the boy stopped the car and dialed a phone call.

"What are you doing?" There was a whirring noise.

"Big brother, let's go back, I will never come here to drag a car again." The boy trembled all over, with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Boy, what do you fart so peculiarly? Don't you want to go wrong?" The voice over there was angrily.

"I...I... saw a shadow ‘walk’ over." The boy’s voice was almost crying.

"Fart! Are you special..."

The man stopped talking because someone was knocking on the window outside his car glass.

"Ah! What a ghost!" He stepped on the accelerator pedal to the bottom, and the car immediately flew out at a speed of 300 miles.

"I'm driving so fast, even a ghost can't keep up!" He said this to his companions, and at the same time said it to himself.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the sound of knocking on the window came from outside the window.

"Damn!" This person was panicked for a while and forgot to look at the road. When he reacted, he was about to hit the stone wall in front of him. He regretted why he came here to drag.

"God, give me a chance, I must forgive my sins, and never drag a car again." The man cried loudly.

Li Zhen helpless, is he so scary? Who would have thought that when he got here, his mobile phone would have no signal, no navigation, and he would not know the way.

Fortunately, there are people driving on this road. Seeing them driving so fast, they must be very familiar with the road conditions here. It is best to ask.

Who would have thought that when he knocked on the car window, this kid was so courageous that he was going to hit the stone wall directly.

"Boy, how did you drive? Fortunately you met me, otherwise you would be dead, do you know?" Li Zhen raised the car with one hand, and then knocked the four wagon wheels away with a punch. Put the car down.

"Ah! Lord Yan, I have never done anything bad in my life! Let me go!"

Li Zhen's face is dark, is he like Lord Yan?

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