Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 431: as you wish

"What?" The big man was a little stunned when he heard the words, but didn't react.

Five products?

how is this possible?

It was only three or four days since the last war. At that time, Li Zhen's bone tempering degree, as seen by the strong, would definitely not exceed 20%.

What a terrifying thing this is, the bone tempering degree is not more than 20%, but the combat power is so strong. What kind of genius is it for you to have such a combat power?

That's why the religious cult values ​​Li Zhen so much, and want to draw him into the cult. If it fails, then he must be destroyed. Allowing such a genius to grow will definitely become a serious problem for their religious cult.

At first, he was very disdainful of Li Zhen, because he did not participate in that battle.

But now he knows, everyone underestimated Li Zhen, Li Zhen's bone tempering degree at that time absolutely exceeded 95%, otherwise it would never be possible to break through the fifth rank in such a short time.

The few people who stayed also heard Feng Jixian's voice. First they were startled, staring at each other, and then laughed. Feng Jixian was afraid that he would be frightened.

Li Zhen broke through the five products?

how is this possible?

They have a source, how long has it been until Li Zhen broke through the fourth rank?

Moreover, the bone refining degree was 20%. This data was spoken by a dean of the Martial Arts Academy. It was absolutely true.

In less than four days, did Li Zhen break through the first rank? Is the repair base on the rocket?

Are there any shortcuts to practice?

"Li Zhen, have you broken through the fifth rank? Just right, you and I are in the same realm, so you don't need to make other people's remarks, saying I bully you, come on, take a trip in the air!" The man looked at Li Zhen jokingly. Then he glanced at Feng Jixian who had run away, his eyes full of contempt.

"As you wish!" Li Zhen said lightly. Jiang Tianping would not let him kill Feng Jixian. I am afraid he wanted to put a long line to catch a big fish. Now that Feng Jixian has left, these people should get their due punishment. Up.

As for the monster, without the control of the formation, it is the cult people who need to worry now.

The monster lost control and is now staring at the group of people angrily.

It remembers that these people abused it every day. Now it is free. It only wants revenge in its heart. On the contrary, it is not very interested in Li Yitian and others outside the warehouse.

Those people were slightly taken aback when they heard Li Zhen's voice, because when they heard Li Zhen's words, Li Zhen was already standing in front of them.

Just like them, stand in the void.

The big man who ran away with Feng Jixian, seeing this scene with his divine consciousness, no longer had the thought to stay, and ran desperately.

The four people who stayed behind and wanted to humiliate Li Zhen stared blankly at Li Zhen in front of them, gradually showing panic in their eyes.

"Soul Blade!"

The mental strength of these people is not high at all, not exceeding 10,000 at most, so how can they escape Li Zhen's mental strength?

One by one, like dumplings in the pot, they all fell from the void.


The eyes of the monster who had waited a long time ago flashed fiercely, and with a roar, both arms raised.

With four muffled sounds, the bodies of the four of them made a crackling noise, and their bodies were blown up instantly.

After killing four people, the monster's ferocity was undiminished, and it kept roaring at Li Zhen in the void.

Monsters don't know how to defend against the sky. Li Zhen is very safe. He watched lightly, and the catastrophe is coming. This creature is not very intelligent and has almost no chance of surviving.

"Master, save us!" At this moment, a panicked voice suddenly came from outside the warehouse.

But now the monster heard the sound and turned his head...

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