Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 446: Affectionate confession

"Xiaoman, go and meet with Yang Shao to see Li Shao. This opportunity is really rare. After you go and meet it, you may have a broader view." Some of Li Xiaoman's classmates also said.

They knew that this was the moment Li Xiaoman chose, and this choice would determine Li Xiaoman's belonging. Although their impression of Li Zhen was fair, it was a bit too ordinary compared to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming saw that everyone was saying good things for him, and he was a little complacent. In his opinion, this was a good choice.

He, a young man of a family, is rich, has status and has a future.

Li Zhen, there is no background, no future, is this still a choice?

"Xiaoman, I really don't want to conceal it. The first time I saw you, I was deeply attracted by you!" Yang Ming decided to add some weight, and then said: "Xiaoman, don't think I am a climber. Prodigal son, the first sight I said was not today. The first sight I said was that I saw a photo of you on Xiao Yu'er's phone half a year ago."

"When I saw your photo, I was deeply attracted by you. I swear, I will take good care of such a woman forever."

"I found out that you don't have a boyfriend. You don't know how ecstatic I am. I'm afraid it will be too late when I meet."

"So this time I heard that Xiaoyuer came back, so I came just to see you! But I didn’t expect you to have a boyfriend. I was lost and I was hesitated. This is the last thing I want to see, but he happened."

When Yang Ming said this, tears fell in his eyes. Some girls next to him heard such a sincere confession, and their hearts were instantly captured. They looked at Li Xiaoman jealously, wishing to take their place.

Yang Ming saw this and immediately stroked his heart, "Xiaoman, you can't be so unfeeling and give me hope, and then you will break everything in an instant. Give me a chance, I swear, I will Will give you the best in the world."

"Xiaoman, I love you!" Yang Ming looked at Li Xiaoman affectionately, without paying attention to Li Zhen at all.

What qualifications does a local turtle have to fight with him?

"Together! To be together!" All the people booed under the leadership of Meng Yu, and some even walked behind Li Xiaoman and wanted to'help' Li Xiaoman.



The handsome guy who wanted to ‘help’ flew out until he hit the wall before he fell off.

Someone behind Yang Ming also pushed Yang Ming, and Yang Ming opened his arms in a timely manner.

Li Zhen took Li Xiaoman into his arms and then slapped him out.


A figure flew out suddenly, turning around 720 degrees in the air before landing, and everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Damn, it hurts so much!

Everyone looked at Li Zhen in astonishment. How could this... be possible? Li Zhen looked very kind, and he looked like no one could be guilty of crime. How did he start the fire? It was so shocking!

Yang Ming is the second in the freshman ranking list. Li Zhen slapped him and looked like an ordinary person, but Yang Ming didn't escape it with such a slap.

Is Yang Ming really a warrior? The scene just now didn't look like it.

"Li Zhen, what are you doing?" Meng Yu shouted at Li Zhen angrily.

"Boy, I think you are looking for death!" Meng Yu's boyfriend Chen Chao also glared at Li Zhen. Several people glared at Li Zhen, wishing to throw Li Zhen out.

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