Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 453: problem occurs

At this time, an unfamiliar mobile phone number came in!

Li Zhen frowned and picked it up.

"Dean Li, hello!" A strange voice came from over there.

"You made a wrong number!" Li Zhen said and hung up the phone. It is definitely not a good person to start an article like this. It is better to hang up.

"..." Frozen over there.

"Breaking Eyes!" Li Zhen stood on the top of the building and looked at the top of a tall building 100 meters away.

He saw a small red dot, which was a sniper sniper specially used to deal with the sixth rank powerhouse.

The other party seemed to have noticed him, and even the other party didn't even have the slightest intention to hide him. The man took off his hat and waved it ‘friendly’ at Li Zhen.

Then motioned to Li Zhen to answer the phone.

"Dean Li, it's wrong for you to do this. We came with sincerity. Why are you so unkind? You don't know, we are very grumpy." As soon as I answered the phone, they said jokingly.

"Fuck me!" Li Zhen wanted to hang up as he said, and then went to kill the person.

"Dean Li, before you hang up, you'd better take a look at the building behind me!" The voice of the person on the phone came out loud, with mockery in his voice, "That is what we prepared for Dean Li Great gift!"

With a chuckle in my heart, the secret path is not good, something happened.

Li Zhen hurriedly urged Broken Eyes to look at the building, which was an unfinished building.

I saw Li Dunru and his wife were tied there. The two of them were in a coma at this time. One of them was resting on Cai Xiulian’s forehead. The person holding Li Zhen seemed to have noticed Li Zhen’s gaze and turned his head and smiled evilly at him. Made an open posture.

"Dean Li, what we want is very simple, as long as you take the initiative to take a look at us, how about we take the initiative to release your parents-in-law?" The teasing voice on the phone continued.

"It's you, you are looking for death!" Li Zhen didn't expect it to be them, the two security guards at the entrance of Rui Ze Hotel.

"Yes, it's us, Li Zhen, I blame you. If it weren't for you, how could we be driven out by the Li family? Now that we are famous by the Li family, are you happy?" The security roar came from the phone.

"We don't want you to die, as long as you take a look at us, the hatred will pass, how about it?" The security guard's cold voice came.

"You are a fifth-grade strongest person. Are you afraid that ordinary sniping will not succeed? We just want to breathe out. Your status is too high. We will not and dare not really kill you. We I don’t want to carry a wanted warrant."

Before the security had spoken, a tongue of fire had already come. The security guard upstairs opened the insurance and smiled at Li Zhen. As long as Li Zhen dared to hide, he would open his eyes.

At this moment, Cai Xiulian just woke up, and at a glance she saw the hand on her forehead, struggling with horror.

It is too late for Li Zhen to be invisible.

"Ding, congratulations..."


With a muffled sound, accompanied by a string of blood bead flying, Li Zhen's whole body was taken away by the power of sniper horror! A blood hole appeared in the chest.

"Good!" The two security guards exclaimed loudly.

"Little **** must think that we have ordinary snipers!" The two security guards shouted in surprise.

This was an impossible task for them, but they didn't expect that strong people like Li Zhen would even care about the love of ordinary people. If they were to take care of the life and death of these two people.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!" Cai Xiulian yelled desperately, hoping someone could see it.

Li Zhen is the key to their Li family's prosperity and they must not die. They finally saw hope. If Li Zhen died like this, how would they survive?

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