Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 478: Meng Fanchen Apprentice

But the next second, they didn't wait for the shock to finish, they were stunned!

"So low?" Li Zhen didn't expect the fifth-rank alchemist to have only 50,000 Hz. He thought that at least 8-100000.

Ma Dan, why is this kid so arrogant? Those people stared at Li Zhen fiercely.

"Pill Zong's spiritual power cultivation method is not complete, so..." Meng Fanchen was very embarrassed. He also knew this. Compared with the other five-rank alchemists of the Zhenhua| Country, his spiritual power was indeed a little weaker.

"I have a spiritual cultivation method here, which can be taught to you, but..." Li Zhen was too lazy to care about the alchemy. Originally, he wanted to train someone to help him, but he came here today before expecting it.


Meng Fanchen knelt down with excitement and respectfully knocked his head nine times, "Master is here, please be respected by the disciples!"

"..." Li Zhen was speechless, he didn't want to accept apprentices, especially those who were so old.

To be honest, Meng Fanchen's qualifications, he really doesn't like it.

"Lao Meng!" Those fans of Lao Meng froze in place, their eyes rounded. What is this kid's ability to make Lao Meng, who is famous in Dongshan, so respectful and even apprentice to his teacher.

You know, Meng Fanchen is so famous not only because he is a fifth-rank alchemist, he is also a sixth-rank peak powerhouse, half-footed into the realm of the master.

"You don't need to be a teacher, I just want you to serve in the Martial Arts Academy for 30 years!" Li Zhen said embarrassedly.

Wen Tianye's eyes flickered after hearing this, and he smiled with satisfaction.

The teachers in the Danyuan were all excited, and their breathing became rapid.

"Teacher, preaching and teaching karma to solve puzzles, the master teaches me the exercises, naturally he is my master!" Meng Fanchen is very persistent, others can't see it. Only the person experienced the deepest.

I am afraid that even the average seventh-rank alchemist can't realize the spiritual power, and Li Zhen can easily do it, which shows that Li Zhen's spiritual power has reached an extremely terrifying state.

Li Zhen didn't say much any more, and a spirit of spirit came into Meng Fanchen's mind.

Meng Fanchen was sluggish for a while, and it took a while before he came back to his senses. His expression became more complicated. Finally, he respectfully knelt down to Li Zhen again, "Thank you, Master!"

This exercise is really for mental strength, and the rank is definitely not low. He just became a teacher, and Li Zhen trusted him to teach this advanced exercise to him. This kind of mind cannot be done by everyone in the world. of.

"Gong Fa waits for you to settle down in the martial arts school before practicing." Then Li Zhen said to Wen Tianye: "Prepare a teacher's apartment for Lao Meng."

"I have arranged it!" Seeing Meng Fanchen's apprenticeship, Wen Tianye knew that this old Meng could not run, and he would definitely become a member of their martial arts school.

Hearing Li Zhen's arrangement, Meng Fanchen did not object. For the alchemist, it is the same everywhere, and this martial arts school is different from the sect, and his appointment here is not a betrayal of the division.

"I'm refining your fifth-rank Qianyuan Bone Replacement Pill now, you see what is different!" Li Zhen did not use the hanging furnace alchemy this time, but urged the Qingmu Zhenjie alchemy.

With a wave of his hand, Li Zhen suddenly generated a strong wood spirit, and the whole meeting room was full of fragrance, and then the lid of Meng Fanchen's pill furnace was opened, and Li Zhen threw in all the elixir.

"Naughty! Is this going to be a fryer?" Someone yelled at this scene.

"Aoki Zhenjie!?" Meng Fanchen, who was staring at him, suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

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