Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 492: The goal of the cult

"Are you talking about Uncle Tian Tao?" Lin Zixi said in surprise, and then asked in a low voice, "He is also a cult member?"

The little girl was startled. She had seen the cult's madness, and a Lin Tianshan almost overturned the entire Lin family.

"It's okay! I just said that this person is extraordinary." Seeing Lin Tiantao's figure disappeared completely, Li Zhen then retracted his gaze.


In a secret room.

"Have you been discovered?" a voice in the dark asked.

"I was originally a victim on the bright side, so why bother to ask?" Lin Tiantao said lightly.

Li Zhen didn't guess wrong, he is a cult member.

However, unlike Lin Tianshan, he was not voluntary. His wife and children were in the hands of the cult and were forced to help the cult.

"Don't blame me, you will find in the future that you will be proud of your life for this decision today." That voice gradually became fanatical.

"If you only do this kind of sneaky thing, you are destined to not succeed." Lin Tiantao did not evade the slightest, his tone was full of unwillingness.

The man in the dark was not angry, and stopped talking.

Lin Tiantao continued: "Our people have disappeared more than a dozen people. Today's plan must have been exposed. I called those people back."

"I saw it, but they were just adding to it. The good thing is the two of us." The voice said faintly.

"When we show up, Jiang Tianping will definitely show up too. It's not a good thing for your cult to confront the relevant department too early." Lin Tiantao drank a sip of champagne and smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth.

Calling the other party a cult directly, he was very disdainful in words.

"Brother Tian Tao, don't forget..." That voice was full of endless unwillingness.

"Don't mention it to me! My brother died because of you. If possible, I really want to kill you all."

A bunch of **** shameless mice, all **** it!

"Brother Tian Tao, we didn't expect that he would be involved in the moral sacred religion and act arbitrarily, otherwise he would not..." the voice explained.

"Needless to say, I hope you have your word. If you still want to hold my wife and children to blackmail me, then I can only do my best to destroy you. Don't doubt me, I have this ability, you should know."

"Brother Tian Tao, don't worry, we absolutely believe in God's teachings, and we are compelled..." The voice wanted to explain, but was stopped by Lin Tiantao's wave.

"It's a pity Zixi!" Lin Tiantao sighed softly.

Just now, he could detect Lin Zixi's attachment to Li Zhen, but Li Zhen was destined to not survive tonight. If Li Zhen died, Lin Zixi would have suffered much.

Lin Tiantao sighed and left.

"Lin Tiantao is not reliable." At this moment, another voice suddenly came from the room.

"I know, this person is just an addition, dare to be so arrogant in front of our gods, do you really think how powerful the master's cultivation is?" the voice said coldly.

"Grandmaster? Haha, it's always just a starting point for the martial artist." The voice gradually weakened.

"Since our people have disappeared, Jiang Tianping is probably here!"

"It's okay. He can't be strong enough by himself. Jiang Tianping is extremely conceited. With his character, I am afraid he can come alone."

"Yes, he must have never thought that our goal this time is him! Haha..."

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