
All messed up!

With the shot of that shadow, all the monster beasts started to fight, and even the human race was forced to join.


A fist defeated a monster beast, Li Zhen put away the beast spirit, and then mixed into the group of monster beasts and continued to kill the beast.

There are more and more human warriors and monster beasts who have died, and Li Zhen knew that he couldn't wait any longer. Things here would definitely attract the strong from other peaks.

Moreover, once he exploded more mentally, he would have a headache, and he must go back to repair the sea of ​​consciousness.

After returning to the place where Luo Tianyi and the others were hiding, Li Zhen sat down cross-legged.

At this time, Li Zhen's face was pale, his breath wilted, and he looked like he would die at any time.

"Boy, what's the matter?" The iron madman saw Li Zhen look like this, his eyes filled with worry.

"It's so special, this **** is messing around." Said the madman, he took out a beast spirit, resisted the reluctance in his heart, and handed it to Li Zhen, "Boy, eat it soon, this is a good thing."

Li Zhen glanced, took it under the iron lunatic's cannibal eyes, and swallowed it.

"Boy, I haven't seen such a good thing, tell you, 500,000 a gram, if it weren't for your pitiful boy, I would definitely not take it out!"

The iron lunatic really feels distressed, he only has one, it is too difficult to get this thing.

Wen Tianye also took out one, and was about to pass it to Li Zhen. He happened to see Li Zhen took out a bigger one and threw it into his mouth, so as if he hadn't taken it out, he quietly took it back.

"..." The iron lunatic.

This little king|The **** owns a beast spirit?

How did he get it?

Could it be that the dog was lucky and picked up one?

The next breath, the iron madman was stunned, and saw a few little guys on the side taking out a beast spirit from the storage ring and gnawing.

"Do you want to eat?" Cang Xiaoyuan noticed the cannibalistic gazes of the three humans around her, and knew that these three humans were friends of Brother Li Zhen, so she asked softly.

"Are you still there?" The iron madman was depressed, did Li Zhen and the cat clan recognize each other? These beast spirits were given to him by these kittens?

Thinking of this, the iron madman who thought he had got the answer looked at Li Zhen enviously, how could he not be a cat.

Cang Xiaoyuan was not stingy when she heard that, she took out three beast spirits from the storage ring and handed them to the three iron lunatics, and then everyone hugged the beast spirits to eat.

Seeing the beast spirits, the three of them knew that the cat clan was a big clan, and they must have no shortage of this. They almost grabbed it and swallowed them, and then looked at Cang Xiaoyuan eagerly, and their movements were uniform.

The little guys are very strange, aren't these three people with Brother Li Zhen? There should be no shortage of beast spirits, why these three are like starving ghosts reborn?

"You don't need to grab them, we still have a lot of this kind of snacks!" The little guys took out a dozen more.

"Snacks!" The iron madman's eyes widened, his mouth wide open and it was difficult to close it.

"..." Jiang Tianping was dumbfounded.

The three people secretly cursed in their hearts, big cats, as expected to come out of a big race, this beast spirit is really a snack, pity them Hua|The country takes the beast spirit as a very valuable strategic material. Also submit an application.

"Little guys, do you still have a lot?" Wen Tianye couldn't help it anymore, his eyes almost burst into flames, and these beast spirits were brought back, almost enough for a year of training in Dongshan Wuyuan.

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