Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 706: Give or die

"It seems that you didn't see the status quo clearly." Li Zhen opened its head and took out its beast spirit in its horrified gaze.

"I'll say it again, anyone who voluntarily offers a beast spirit can be exempted from death!" Li Zhen said lightly, with the corners of his mouth twitched, but at this time his smile seemed to the strong men of the monster race to be like a kiss from the devil.

Monster beasts will not die if they lose the beast spirit, it's just that their cultivation base falls to the fourth rank, but for these beasts, there is no difference between falling to the fourth rank and killing them.

"Li Zhen, my tiger clan has no intention of being hostile to your humans. You did this to put our tiger clan on the opposite side of your humans!" The tiger clan's strong man looked at Li Zhen with fear, and said bitterly.

"Hand over the beast spirit!"

Li Zhen looked bad, and sneered: "I was not intimidated, you are all left over from Laozi's play, since you have spoken, then start with your tiger clan, hand over the beast spirit, or I will kill you All!"

Hearing Li Zhen's words, those strong men of the tiger clan were startled first, and then stared at the strong tiger clan who opened his mouth.


"We were killed by you!"

"Why do you bother us!" The strong tiger clan roared angrily as if he had found a catharsis.

The strong man's face changed drastically, his whole body trembled, and his claws clasped the ground firmly.

"5!" Li Zhen shouted.

The tiger's strong face tightened.

"4!" Li Zhen then shouted.

The strong men of the Tiger Clan looked at each other and wanted to do something, but knew that they were not Li Zhen's opponent.

"3!" Li Zhen's eyes were full of playfulness.

"Everyone, are you looking at this human being so arrogant? We..."


With a terrifying mental power blooming, all the strong men of the Tiger Clan were speechless.

"Since you don't choose, then I will choose for you!"

In the horrified gaze of all the monsters, Li Zhen took out the beast spirits. The tiger clan's strong man suddenly had a sluggish breath, as if a balloon ran out of air, and his cultivation suddenly fell to the fourth step.

Li Zhen held a virtual hand, and the huge palm of the earth element condensed with it.

There was a sound of crushing bones, and blood flowed out of the gaps in the giant palms.

In the Seven Star Pagoda, the tiger clan powerhouse is wiped out!

"I'm willing to give the beast spirit!" Finally, some monster beast couldn't bear the psychological torture, forced the beast spirit out of his body, and then threw it to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen got the beast spirit and waved his hand, the beast appeared outside the formation.

Although the monster's breath was sluggish, but its whole body trembled in excitement, it didn't need to die!


At this time, there was only one thought in its mind.

With the leader, monster beasts successively offered beast spirits, but most of the monster beasts still had a fluke, waiting for the moment when the Seven Star Tower disappeared.

At that moment, the Seven-Star Tower disappeared, and the void here would become distorted. Naturally, Li Zhen's formation was gone. At that time, they would join hands and might not be able to resist Li Zhen.

Such a powerful formation is bound to be difficult to set up. The formation mage is very powerful, but the formation mage who has no time for formation is just a lamb for them to kill.

"Okay, the time is up. From now on, you don't have to sacrifice, I will start to take it myself!" The murderous intent on Li Zhen's body was devastating.

The murderous intent was released, and even moved the power of heaven and earth, causing the situation to change color!


A monster was scared to pee, and regardless of whether Li Zhen could accept it, he threw his beast spirit to Li Zhen.

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