Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 713: Arrogant iron maniac


The void hummed.

A person suddenly appeared in the sky above Jianshan Forest.

"It's Dongshan Education|Bureau Bureau|Chang Gaojian! Nine-rank strong!"

All the cameras were moved over for a time.

Gao Jian glanced at the injured people, his expression was complicated, and the martial arts path of these people was over.

"Take them to the provincial hospital and be sure to heal their injuries!"

After speaking, Shen Shen sighed. At best, he can live like an ordinary person.

Budo is cruel and cruel!

However, that event is about to come, and it is a good thing to be able to live as an ordinary person.

"How many people haven't come back?" Gao Jian asked the person beside him.

"No one from Dongshan Wuyuan has come back, Lao Jiang and Lao Luo have not yet come back." The person replied.

Gao Jian frowned, his eyes full of worry, this scene was observed by reporters and filmed.

Just now.

"Made, it's dangerous, Xiao Wang|Bad, you can really cause trouble! More than 30,000 monsters, you guys are all at once."

"But...hahaha, more than seven thousand beast spirits, boy, you have a share in seeing you, don't want to swallow it!"

The iron madman laughed, his voice resounding through the space, for fear that others would not know.

"More than seven thousand beast spirits? Are you sure it is a beast spirit, not a low-grade spirit stone?" A figure whizzed out, it was Tie Liren who hadn't seen it for a long time.

After Tie Liren entered, he was lucky to stay with Li Shaoming. He has been cultivating in the Thunder Beast clan. He has cultivated to the ninth rank and realized his own way.

At this time, he needed a lot of resources to consolidate his cultivation base. Hearing that Li Zhen had thousands of beast spirits, he immediately flew over.

"Nonsense, it's just such a thing, I'm worth lying to you?" The iron madman's arrogant face finally realized Li Zhen's feeling of "being the top of the mountain and looking at the mountains".

Lonely seek defeat!

Even speaking, I feel that my waist is much harder.

"..." The faces of the warriors who came back together turned dark.

Listen, does the iron madman speak human words? More than 7000 beast spirits, called "this thing"? When did Higashiyama Wuyuan become so swollen?

More than 7000, enough for more than 100 years of Higashiyama Wuyuan.

Other Wuyuan looked at Wen Tianye enviously. Although the iron madman was unreliable, he wouldn't talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

And the reporters were dumbfounded. They were still griefing for the dead strong men just now, and they even finished the draft, and made public the difficulties of this secret realm, but...

Are you sure you entered the same secret realm?

Although they have never seen the beast spirits, as journalists, they know the beast spirits.

Knowing that beast spirits are an extremely precious resource, several times more precious than spirit stones, even the top powerhouses in China are calculated in grams on weekdays.

These reporters glanced at each other. The iron lunatic just said it was "gram"!

The strong men in the other martial arts also looked at those who came back from their own martial arts.

Are you sure there is such a danger there?

How come Higashiyama Wuyuan got so many beast spirits?

"A beast essence can grind 10 kilograms, 5000 grams, take it back to make soup and drink it and drink it for a few years." Iron madman said arrogantly, then looked at his fingers, and said with a depressed expression: "Really I don’t understand the aesthetics of the Holy Beast Realm. The storage ring is so ugly that I feel ashamed to wear it!"

Storage ring!

This is a rare commodity, even rarer than the artifact, not because of the lack of materials, but because the method of refining storage rings has been lost.

At present, many eight-rank masters still use storage bags. There is not much space in the storage bags, and there is the possibility of losing things, which is very inconvenient, but even so, it is still not available to every master.

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