Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 776: Li Mingyu is dead

"let's go!"

Li Zhen walked forward as he said, without any intention of changing his way.

Su Zisu was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, Li Zhen was so strong, even such a terrifying monster listened to Li Zhen's words.

Those monsters quickly followed.

"Let's keep up!"

Although Li Mingyu was afraid of Li Zhen's might, but this was not the time to think about it, this was their only chance to step into the valley.

At the same time, there is a bad feeling in his heart that he prays, preferably not true.

These monsters strode into the air and wanted to enter the team of Li Zhen and others.

"Go away!"

The next moment, something terrified Li Mingyu happened, and a fist suddenly struck in the void.

"Li Zhen, you can't save it! Brothers, fight it!"

Li Mingyu roared, it was a matter of his own life and death, and the monsters did not dare to be careless. They roared one by one, and their big paws slapped against Li Zhen's fist.


With a muffled sound, these monster beasts felt a huge force hit, and their bodies flew out involuntarily.

The weak cultivation base is directly turned into a cloud of blood mist.

"Li Zhen, we hand in the panacea!"

A monster roared fiercely.

"Yes, Li Zhen, save us, we hand in the elixir!"

"No, I won't accept it!"

Li Zhen forcefully shook so many monster beasts with a combined blow, but there was no sign of injury, and he waved his hand and walked towards the valley.

Li Mingyu watched Li Zhen and the others get farther and farther away. Those monsters didn't mean to stop them at all, regretting them greatly in his heart.

If they knew they would encounter this scene, they would have handed in 10,000 elixir!

It's worth buying 10,000 elixir for their lives!

Without any hesitation, Li Mingyu roared, suddenly abandoned all the monsters, and rose into the air, wanting to fly over these wild beasts to the valley.

For this reason, he even directly urged half of his body's true blood.

The wild beast headed coldly looked at Li Mingyu who broke out, his eyes were cold.

They need Li Zhen's help. Since Li Mingyu has offended Li Zhen, then...

A shadow shot out suddenly and rushed towards Li Mingyu who had stepped into the air.

Li Mingyu urged the real blood, and these monsters sneered. They were afraid of Li Zhen. That was because Li Zhen's power was really big, big enough to kill them easily, but these monsters.

A paw patted it.

Void was slapped with a palm, and that paw immediately confronted Li Mingyu. Li Mingyu's burst of true blood power shot the monster's body, and the monster trembled.

Just a tremor!

Li Mingyu was horrified. Half of his true blood broke out. It was the most prosperous blow. It only made the monster tremble.

But Li Zhen killed the monster with one punch!

Is there really such a big difference between him and Li Zhen?

The monster grinned, its big paws cast off, and snapped it down.


Li Mingyu slammed down.

He closed his eyes unwillingly.

The next moment, he felt a cold in his legs, and the hand with the storage ring felt a sharp pain and then passed out into a coma.

At the same time, all the monster beasts who followed Li Mingyu were defeated.

The head of the desolate beast glanced at these monsters, and with a wave of its big claws, the desolate beasts immediately swarmed up and ate these monsters.

For one thing, these wild beasts didn't say that in addition to spirit pills, the flesh and blood of monster beasts and human warriors can also ease their spiritual retreat.

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