Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 784: Not suitable


The disciple of Wan Jianzong's eyes condensed upon hearing this!

Double material nine products!

This kind of aptitude is a well-deserved enchanting genius in the holy beast world.

Zhang Pinghuo was very powerful, but Wan Jianzong's disciples compared him with Li Zhen. Others had a steelyard in their hearts, and Wan Jianzong was a little overwhelmed.

The disciples of Wan Jianzong were naturally dissatisfied. Li Zhen was still comprehending, but Zhang Pinghuo had passed the test. Isn't this proof?

But time is precious, and there is no meaning to continue the fight.

Zhang Pinghuo clenched his fists, he was lucky enough to comprehend a spiritual power cultivation method, spiritual power has always been his shortcoming, with this method, it is enough to make up for his shortcomings.

Looking back at Li Zhen who was still comprehending, Zhang Pinghuo whispered: "Brother Li, I can definitely catch up with you."

At the next breath, two buzzing sounds, Su Zisu and Jing Ruqing also passed the test one after another on the other peaks.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Pinghuo stopped being distracted, but walked up intently.

He can be inferior to Li Zhen, but definitely not inferior to others.

One hour passed!

One-third of the people passed the test, but Li Zhen still sat there cross-legged.

Now, those who hadn't realized it were surprised.

Li Zhen's qualifications are so defying, how could it not pass?

"Could it be that Li Zhen was not suitable for the inheritance of King Jintian, so it was not passed."

"Go to Li Zhen and try it out."

Someone really couldn't comprehend that they were standing there. The other four peaks were gone. Knowing that they couldn't wait any longer, they wanted to be a dead horse doctor, so he boldly walked towards the mountain where Li Zhen was.

Li Zhen still accepted the inheritance of the formation, and now Li Zhen was shocked.

The original formation is so vast.

He used to comprehend the Zhoutian Star Fighting formation, and thought he had a thorough understanding of the formation method, but now it seems that he is sitting in the well and watching the sky.

When someone came, Li Zhen didn't open his eyes either, but concentrated on studying.

After the man arrived, he looked at Li Zhen admiringly, then closed his eyes and realized it.

Several people who were in the same situation as him came over with the attitude of giving them a try.


Suddenly, the one who came over before flashed a light on his body, and then disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"This..." Those who followed were taken aback for a moment, and then cross-legged to realize that this was their chance.

It turns out that Li Zhen is really not suitable for the inheritance of the Heavenly King!

After a while, two really passed the test of this mountain.

At this moment, the test is over, and those who have not passed the test have a feeling in their hearts that they are not suitable for the inheritance of the Heavenly King, and even if they wait here, it will not help.

They knew that it was the will of King Jintian staying to advise them.

These people walked down frustrated.

"A few, don't feel discouraged. Li Zhen is so talented. Didn't he fail the test? It's just that this inheritance is not suitable for us. There are so many inheritances in this barren ancient forbidden land, maybe there are other inheritances suitable for us."

"Yes, Li Zhen didn't pass such a Tianjiao. Isn't his understanding high? Absolutely not? It can only show that the ancient seniors did not value understanding very much, but whether it was really suitable."

"Let's continue to understand, look at Brother Li, if you haven't realized such a long world, you haven't given up. Can't I learn from Brother Li?"

When those people saw this scene, their hearts suddenly became high-spirited...

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