Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 811: Pills as candy

"It's okay, I'm still hundreds of thousands here, don't care about these dozen!"

Li Zhen threw dozens of Nine-Rank Spirit Pills to the iron lunatic.

After saying this, everyone was silent.

Everyone stared at him blankly, and they all put on an expression that you don't lie to me.

Li Zhen is speechless. To tell the truth, how come no one believes it?

It hurt him very much.

"Well, I found an alchemist's inheritance, where I got hundreds of thousands of Ninth-Rank Spirit Pills, so you believe it?"

After Li Zhen finished speaking, many people were still speechless.

The iron madman looked at the dozens of spirit pills in his hand and said depressed: "To be more specific, what is going on?"

The inheritance of the alchemist?

Are you kidding?

The reserve of the Ninth-Rank Spirit Pill of a school can't reach hundreds of thousands, right?

"Okay!" Li Zhen knew it, and put on an embarrassed expression, "As you can see through, I did stray into the inheritance of an alchemist, where I got hundreds of nine-grade spirit pills."

"So, I don't have many Nine Stage Spirit Pills, Deputy Director Luan, you should return it to me!"

"No, it's mine if you give it!" Luan Yunshan gave an expression that you don't want to go back, but he believed what Li Zhen said.

"The space teleportation array is also in that heritage? Can the teleportation array still be used? Is it a one-way teleportation array or a two-way teleportation array? When you entered, was there anyone else in it?" Gao Jian walked over and asked. Several questions.

Li Zhen glanced at him, and there was another powerhouse above the real king level, is there so many hidden powerhouses in China?

Nine products?

Lie to the child!

"This is our Dongshan Province Education Bureau J|Chang Gaojian, a strong man in the Ninth Pin Peak Realm!" The iron lunatic winked at Li Zhen, and he asked you to answer.

Li Zhen immediately understood, and honestly said: Then I will elaborate, what happened is like this, that day, we encountered the world's repulsive force of the Holy Beast Realm, I..."

Li Zhen talked about what happened to the barren ancient forbidden land, and even talked about Xie Xiaofeng and his father Li Shaobai.

"Xie Xiaofeng told me that the only way to come back is from Zhentianwang..."

"The King of Heaven? Is that him?"

Gao Jian interrupted him and transformed him with his true essence, which was exactly the appearance of the King of Heaven.

"It's him." Li Zhen was surprised. Is there anyone in the mortal world who remembers ancient things?

"The King of Heaven is dead?"

Gao Jian continued to ask.

"It's rumored to be dead, but...they are so powerful, life and death, I can't guess."

"You know the King of Formation! Who is he?" The iron lunatic asked suspiciously.

Gao Jian and Luan Yunshan glanced at the iron madman, ignored him, looked at Li Zhen and motioned him to continue.

Cang Min didn't expect her son to experience such a wonderful experience, and she had never heard of the King of Heaven.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the iron madman took out a Nine-Rank Spirit Pill and swallowed it in one mouthful.

A grandmaster on the side is in pain,

What made him even more depressed was that the little guy in Li Zhen's arms swung his little paw, and a Nine-Rank Spirit Pill appeared in both paws, and then licked it.

This is the 9th product!

As a snack?


The little guy couldn't hold his claws firmly, and the spirit pill fell to the ground.

Those grand masters watched.

They are all dirty, don't pick them up! How many cats would be lost if you pick it up and eat it!

Unexpectedly, the little guy really stopped picking it up, but took out a spirit pill from the storage ring Li Zhengang gave her and licked it.

More than a dozen masters stared at the soil-stained spirit pills like hungry wolves.

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