Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 852: Human beings are sacrifices

"Well, since this guy has been caught, that person will belong to you, I will go back first."

Li Zhen wanted to leave as he said.

Lao Jiang: "..."

Mad, this kid is about to leave after half-talking. Isn't this a dreadful appetite?

"Well, don't be angry with your kid, I told you that."

Although this matter is top secret, whether it is Jiang Tianping or Li Zhen, they are the pillars of the country. It is not an exaggeration to know earlier.

"In fact, our earth martial arts world was also very prosperous before, but then we also faced the problem of resource exhaustion. I don't know when the gossip reached the ears of the top powerhouses."

"People come as sacrifices in exchange for heaven and earth resources?"

Jiang Tianping stared roundly, "What!"

Luan Yunshan sighed slightly. The kid really knew something and nodded and said: "Yes, after killing a person, the strength of the human body, spirit, and blood will condense into a new force. This power is even purer than spiritual energy."

Jiang Tianping looked at Luan Yunshan blankly, unable to believe what he heard.

"The experience of humans in the Holy Beast Realm should be the same, so those powerful monster beasts will never let humans perish because they regard humans as renewable resources."

"Like leeks, cut one crop and change one crop."

"Someone has taken action!" Luan Yunshan frowned and clenched his fists. "That day was the end of my earth human race."

"The sky is falling apart, the sea is flooding, and all kinds of disasters are coming."

"If it weren't for a strong man in China|country to take a shot at a critical moment, then all humans below Rank 5 would die without a place to bury them."

Li Zhen and Lao Jiang listened to Luan Yunshan talking about the past. At first, the strong man who protected mankind stood in the upper hand, but as more and more humans died, that kind of energy really appeared and the strong played against each other. This energy was naturally absorbed at that time.

Luan Yunshan's face became difficult to look, "It feels like smoking TP. Some strong people suddenly countered. In the end, it was my Hua|Guo's Bai Qida|General who had lost his life and died with those people. Save the human race."

"In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, the strong have classified this matter as top secret."

Li Zhen sneered coldly, "Since I want to protect the human race, then it is necessary to eliminate this from my mind. I think, this matter is not difficult? Why should it be preserved as a top secret thing?"

Old Jiang was also disdainful.

The fact that this news was not eliminated from my mind originally explained some problems.

Neither Li Zhen nor Lao Jiang are idiots, and they can naturally guess what those strong people think.

"You don't have the right to think like this. If there were no strong people, this world might become a barren world."

Luan Yunshan said coldly: "Those strong people have sacrificed enough for the earth. In order to fear that they will continue to cultivate, the earth will become even more exhausted. They all abolished their cultivation bases, and they dare not restore them until now."

Hearing Luan Yunshan's words, Li Zhen's face looked a little better. These top powerhouses on the earth didn't really destroy people's hearts.

But... still retaining that method is enough to explain the problem.

They are not as noble as imagined.

Luan Yunshan saw Li Zhen's eyes, guessed what Li Zhen was thinking, and closed his mouth. There are some things that are compelling to do, and we have to leave the ignition seeds for mankind.

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