Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 859: Hee Hee has an accident

"Warrior, it's a warrior!"

The movement here immediately shocked many people. Those people looked at Li Zhen enviously. This must be someone who has been favored by Master Lu.

And seeing the 50cm deep footprints under Li Zhen's feet, they were even more convinced of Master Lu.

Li Zhen is no more than 18 years old at most, but depending on Li Zhen's foot, the minimum cultivation level is also above Rank 4.

It turns out that their Kingdom of God has cultivated a genius like this young man in such a short time.

Now these people were convinced of Li Zhen's identity, and began to say their purpose for coming here.

In the statements of these people, Li Zhen clearly captured the traces of a person.


They all claimed to have received a letter from someone.

And the image of the person described one by one is definitely the same person!

Who is this person?

Li Zhen frowned.

He caught the router. Only Lao Jiang and Gao Jian knew about this. If there were other people, then only the one who was possessed and wandered.

However, Li Zhen immediately denied that it was the person who reported the letter.

That humane Yangxin County had come to look for him on purpose, and it was just a coincidence that the Possession Road wandered.

So, who is this person?

Take one step forward and disappear in front of everyone.


Seeing this scene, Li Zhen's location suddenly became vacant.


"Where is that boy?"

These people stared blankly, unable to accept that one person just disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone felt numb in their hearts, and in broad daylight, a big living person just disappeared.

Is this person a human or a ghost?

Entering the house, Li Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, Lao Jiang and Gao Jian were both there, no wonder so many people outside did not dare to be presumptuous!

Seeing Li Zhen's sudden appearance, everyone was shocked. After seeing Li Zhen clearly, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where did your kid go?" Old Jiang frowned and asked.

"I went to comprehend a few roads." Li Zhen was a little proud. He thought that Old Jiang would yell depressed, but everyone heard the words as if they hadn't heard it. Only Gao Jian gave Li Zhen a surprised look.

what happened?

Li Zhen wondered, this is very wrong!

Suddenly, he noticed that there was one missing person, and he said in a deep voice, "Where is Xixi?"

As soon as he asked, Li Xiaoman was sobbing from the side.

There was a sudden panic in Li Zhen's heart, and he lost his voice: "What's the matter?"

"Don't worry first!" Old Jiang exhorted.

A murderous intent rose, Li Zhen clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Hee Hee was taken away by someone from the cult!" Li Xiaoman finally cried, tears streaming down her beautiful eyes.


Why is cult involved in this again?

"You are not to blame for all this. If you hadn't arrested Master Lu, how could something like this happen!"

Li Dunru roared.

His dream of martial artist is so broken!

"Mr. Li, a cult member, everyone can be caught! Li Zhen has done nothing wrong, you must pay attention to your remarks!"

Gao Jian said coldly.

Hearing the words of this big leader, Li Dunru was in a flurry of confusion and embarrassment on his face.

"But he tired that little girl!"

Two days!

Those cultists and terrorists are fighting together, who knows what will happen to that girl.

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