How can everyone not be surprised when they see this scene?

What is the difference between this method shown by Li Zhen and the legendary fairy?

Is this time in control?

Li Dunru and his wife looked at Li Zhen's gaze a little bit, facing Li Zhen, they have a feeling of facing a god.

This makes their hearts throb a little. Who has never done anything wrong in this life?

In the face of ordinary people, they can deal with it calmly, but in the face of the legendary fairy gods, no matter how strong the heart is, they can't do without the slightest panic.

Gao Jian looked at all this in front of him, his expression was complicated, it was really the way of time, but he didn't expect that someone in this world really cultivated the way of time.

Everyone looked nervously at the water curtain. At this moment, a group of people rushed in. The leader was Wang Botao, who showed great power in the villa that day.

The next moment, Li Dunru and his wife, Li Xiaoman and Lin Zixi appeared in the water curtain, and then the two sides had a dispute. Wang Botao took the lead, but Li Xiaoman kicked him into the air.

In the next scene, it seemed that Li Xiaoman angered everyone who came in, and they rushed up.

Li Xiaoman and Lin Zixi lost to the two daughters, and then someone suggested something. Then, some people pushed to take Li Xiaoman and Lin Zixi away.

At this time, Lao Jiang also appeared in the water curtain. The arrival of Lao Jiang suddenly made the scene chaotic. Gao Jian arrived and rescued Li Xiaoman from the chaos.

Li Zhen had already begun to sweat on his forehead, as if he was in the Nine Nether Prison, surrounded by a sea of ​​corpse mountains and fire, countless skeletons came to kill him, and even disgusting corpses crawled towards him.

A sense of extreme cold enveloped him, not only that, but also a sharp sword light aimed at his brow.

"Boy, stop, go on, you will have an accident!" Gao Jian drank, a look of worry appeared on his face.

"It's okay!" Li Zhen clenched his fists, his whole body stretched straight, and he always felt that something was really going to rush up from the ground.

Li Zhen let out a low roar, and while waving his hands, the force of time forced the angle of view of the water curtain to Lin Zixi.

Several people appeared in the water curtain, wearing night clothes and covering their faces in broad daylight, knocked Lin Zixi unconscious in the chaos, and then fled.

Endless killing intent appeared in Li Zhen's eyes. It was these people, I'm afraid that mysterious messenger was also among these people.


The stomach was tumbling violently, and a mouthful of blood came out.

"Ding, it is detected that the host has been eroded by time. Does it recover (requires 1 million evolution points)?"


Li Zhen muttered silently in his heart, forcibly resisting the fainting sensation in his mind, the angle of view in the water curtain followed the black men.

Those people tossed around, scurrying around in the water curtain.

Finally, they stopped.

At this moment, the void hummed, and an extremely palpitating feeling appeared.

"Boy, stop, it's the ghost of time, they have found it!" Gao Jian shouted, and patted the void on one side with his palm.


There was a muffled sound, and his palm seemed to hit something, and there was a wave of fluctuations in the sky.

Then all the glass in the room shattered with a bang, and a terrifying shock wave spread out.

"not good!"

Lao Jiang's hands were flying, his palms pushed out, and the force of the seal greeted him.

"Boy, stop, otherwise, we all have to finish playing!"

Gao Jian yelled, and at the same time he didn't know what was hit, his body flew upside down.

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