Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 877: Back to the Land of All Souls


Back to Dongshan again, Li Zhen felt a little sigh.

When he was chased by Zhou Kangshun last time and fled to Dongshan, he was only Tier 2, and in front of Zhou Kangshun, a Tier 4 powerhouse, he had no power to fight back.

After receiving Wan Lingquan's request, it was really bitterly accepted.

Just break through the fourth rank, but want to kill a sixth rank strong.

This is hard to imagine.

Now that he returned to Dongshan again, Tie Gou was already a master-level powerhouse, and he was even a ninth-order grand master. In retrospect, only a few months later, he felt like a world away.

"Wang, let's look for that place!"

It has been a few months, and it takes a little trouble to find a way to enter the secret realm.

"no need!"

As soon as Li Zhen waved his hand, a void passage appeared. Before the Iron Dog could react, he was pulled in by Li Zhen.

The next moment, a foot stepped out in the void.

Gao Jian looked at the direction of Li Zhen's disappearance and knew that most of the time, Li Zhen had found him following.

"I said I wouldn't let you follow. You came here and were discovered?"

Jiang Tianping's voice came from behind Gao Jian.

"I'm afraid he will embark on the path of crime!"

"Bullshit, if you embark on the path of crime, he won't!" Old Jiang snorted, and then said: "I don't care what happens between you and that Ruan Fang, she is a cult person, this point cannot be changed, you You have to take a good sense."

Gao Jian sighed softly, "I know."

As a senior in China, but the person I like is a member of the cult, I have to say that this is a very sad thing.

"You said this kid, where did you hide Li Chu?"

They did not see Gao Jian looking for Li Chu, but went straight to Dongshan.

Did Li Chuzang arrive in Dongshan?

"Boy, Li Chu is not in our hands, it's useless for us to come here!" Tie Gou was very depressed, and now Li Chu is a divine weapon to him.

"Let's find Mr. Wan first!" Li Zhen looked at his back and made sure that Gao Jian and the others had not caught up. He grabbed the iron dog and stepped into the void on one side.

In the air, a ripple suddenly appeared, one person and one dog, got into the ripples and disappeared.

In fact, Li Zhen no longer needs those things promised by Wan Lingquan, but he has a guess in his heart, and now he needs to verify it.

Entering the secret realm of inheritance and coming to the land of all souls, those familiar levels are still there, but at this time they are empty and look particularly desolate.

"Wang, Li Zhen boy, are we...really here?"

The dog's eyes stared at Li Zhen, it was hard to imagine that they would just come in without a treasure map and before the secret realm opened.

The iron dog ran wildly in the secret realm with excitement, but in less than five seconds, it was depressed. It didn't find Li Chu, and it was useless for them to come in.

Li Zhen ignored the iron dog and walked straight in the direction of Wanlingquan. The barriers that were difficult to climb to the sky before are not worth mentioning in front of Li Zhen today.

Soon he came to the place where Wanlingquan was, and Tiegou followed Li Zhen blankly with MMP in his heart.

Now this cat is really amazing!

If you become a cat, will your aptitude increase after being transformed into a human?

"Little friends, are you here?"

At this moment, a metallic voice came.

Li Zhen looked around, just in time to see a puppet coming out.

"Broken Eyes!"

There was a bright light in the eyes, looking in the direction where the puppet came out...

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