Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 880: Conscience was eaten by a dog

Maade, you are a dog dao friend, and your family are all dog dao friends!

The iron dog had a mouth and wanted to bite it, but when he thought of the artifact, he bit his tongue to remind himself that this time, he endured it.

"Old Wan, my surname is Tie!"

When Wan Lingquan heard this, his face was embarrassed, and he said embarrassed: "I'm sorry, fellow iron!"

Iron Dog: "..."

Li Zhen: "..."

The iron dog was "snoring" and almost couldn't hold it back, Ma Dan, did this **** intentionally.

"Does fellow Daoist want to break his promise?" Tie Gou's face was already ugly.

Seeing Tiegou’s face, Wan Lingquan knew that Tiegou had misunderstood, and hurriedly clasped his fist and said, "Do not misunderstand, fellow Daoist Daoist Li Zhen just made these dummies, they are all 9th-grade artifacts. It's a semi-sacred tool, with little friend Li Zhen here, you let me refine it, doesn't this make me show my ugliness?"

Before Wan Lingquan's words fell, Tie Dog's breathing became hurried, and then his big dog's eyes became red.

Suddenly, a shadow flicked across, rushing towards the replacement dummy!

Li Zhen's face went dark. This dead dog was too selfish. He didn't even want his face because of his own affairs!

These substitute dummies were all refined for the entire planet. This guy didn't even think about it, so he just wanted to own it.

The old saying goes that "conscience was eaten by a dog"!

It turns out that dogs have no conscience!

It seems that it is necessary to set up a formation here, lest the dead dog waits for them to go and come back to make trouble!

The big hand reached out and grabbed the iron dog by the neck.

Iron Dog was caught, turned his head frantically, trying to bite Li Zhen's hand.

"Dead dog, if you mess around again, I will pull out all your big dog teeth!"

Li Zhen said depressed.

"Boy, you are too extravagant, this is a divine tool, you just leave it here, violent!"

"It's a capital crime if God doesn't take it!"

Li Zhen heard these perversions of Tie Gou, and yelled depressedly: "Fuck off!"

"These substitute dummies can buy 3000 years for the earth. If you dare to touch them, don't blame me, kill you!"

Li Zhen said this with a serious tone, let Tie Gou know that he did not, he was joking.

Tiegou chattered, stopped twisting, and smiled awkwardly: "I'm just kidding, why are you so nonchalant?"

But there was a sudden in his heart, no wonder Li Zhen used such good materials to delay the spread of the ancient air and delay the formation of the passage.

However, this **** kid turned out to be a high-grade craftsman, no wonder this kid's artifact looks very high-level.

Thinking of this, the iron dog Harazi is straight. Based on its relationship with Li Zhen, it should be easy for this kid to refine an artifact, right?

No longer caring about the iron dog, Li Zhen looked at Wan Lingquan and asked, "Senior Wan, do you have any plans in the future?"

Wan Lingquan glanced at Li Zhen, knowing that Li Zhen was not at ease with him, and smiled calmly: "After all, Li Chu in my body hasn't completely died out yet, so let's follow the little friends to practice for a while!"

Li Zhen didn't pretend to refuse, but nodded, which was regarded as an answer.

Not only because of this, Wan Lingquan robbed Li Chu, and there will definitely be Li Chu’s memory in his mind, and even Li Chu’s memory will influence his brain. If he is not careful, he will become the next Li Chu. .

"I am now the dean of the Alchemy Academy of Dongshan Martial Arts Academy. After I return, I am going to form an Artifact Academy. Senior Wan can help me."

The head of a hospital!

Wan Lingquan: "..."

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