Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 885: Dao Bao is very optimistic

"Haha, Li Zhen is dying!"

"Everyone is watching carefully, Brother Li is about to show you a new realm."


Li Zhen couldn't stand it anymore. The clown-like performance made him feel extremely speechless.

He clenched his fist, his arm creaked.

Li Zhen stepped on one foot.


Xukong actually made a dull explosion because of Li Zhen's kick.

Everyone only felt a shadow flashing past, and only a few people vaguely caught Li Zhen's trail.


There was a loud noise, accompanied by a scream, in the eyes of everyone's horror, one person flew out like a cannonball.

The blood spilled into the void.


The man fell to the ground, and a huge hole with a length of ten feet and a depth of thirty feet appeared on the ground.

A burst of dust was flying, and the sky filled with yellow sand covered the entire sky, covering all within a hundred li with a layer of yellow yarn.


Everyone took a deep breath.

The scalp was numb.

Is this the power of God Realm?

The group of people following Li Jishan stayed for a while, then cheered.

"Brother Li, great!"

One person shouted.

Gao Jian and others looked at these people speechlessly, are they stupid? Didn’t you see that it was your Big Brother Li that was blown away?

Several strong men looked cautious and looked at Li Zhen in the void. Although they knew that this kid was strong, they didn't expect this kid to be so strong.

Li Jishan, who just broke through the real king state, is very weak. But no matter how weak it is, it is also a strong person in the True King Realm. It is by no means comparable to the average Ninth Stage Realm, and Li Zhen not only defeated it, but also defeated it so cleanly.

In front of Li Zhen, Li Jishan had no strength to fight back.

Daobao Taoist looked at Luan Yunshan, and said, "Compared with you, how do you think?"

Luan Yunshan faced Li Zhen's combat power for the first time, his eyes were full of jealousy, "Now it seems that he is weak! But, I heard that this kid has another formation. It is difficult to judge who is strong and who is weak!"

"However, if we really fight together, it won't be me who died!" Luan Yunshan said decisively.

Daobao Taoist nodded approvingly, and then asked: "Wanlingquan, this kid, I've heard of this kid before. He can refine a semi-sacred weapon. It is indeed a good seedling, but I didn't expect it. I was watched by the cult, and in the end it came to a dead end."

"It's also a good thing to be able to save it back, but this kid Li Zhen has done a good thing!"

"Director-in-chief, but he killed the prisoners, this is not tolerated!" Luan Yunshan did not expect Dao Bao Taoist to be so optimistic about Li Zhen.

"I know, the country and the law are above everything, but didn't this kid also help us discover the nodes of the ancient world?"

Dabaodaochang pouted and said: "In the past, I thought it was made up in books. I didn't expect that there really is an ancient world in this world. I don't know why those who are not dead, why don't you tell us about it, so you can be on your guard as soon as possible. It's also good."

"Furthermore, I heard that this kid has also refined the Ninth-Rank artifact to protect the node's continued development. This is a great achievement!"

"In comparison, killing a cult member is a fart!"

"When is this, the cult is still so rampant, kill well!"

Dabao Daochang touched his beard and said, "I think this kid is good, he killed well! You guys, it's just too much worry that makes this kind of waste and so arrogant!"

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