Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 888: Li Family Compromise

At this moment, time has frozen.

This old guy is too powerful.

Li Zhen found that even though he was already very high-minded, the strength of the Daobao Master was much stronger than he had imagined.

Many treasures are long, there is a great possibility that they are strong in the fairy king realm.

Li Zhen is not afraid. If the old Dao dares to threaten him, he is not a person without a backstage. The name of his father, "Shao Bai Daluo", is not for nothing.

"Dao Master is threatening me?"

Li Zhen frowned, and a formation was quietly held in his hand. If something was wrong, he immediately escaped into the forbidden land of the Holy Beast Realm.

In the villa, he had already made preparations. Each of the four daughters and family members carried a formation. Once something went wrong, they would go to his father's side as soon as possible.

The two looked at each other.

In the end, Dabaodao lost the battle and said helplessly: "Boy, you, you are so much like that old friend of mine."

"Don't worry, I will let the Li family pay compensation!"

Li Zhen knew that this was already the bottom line of the old way, and no longer insisted, nodded.

In fact, Li Zhen didn't know, and the old way was also very depressed.

Li Zhen is a high-grade alchemist, tool refiner, and formation mage. He is really an extremely rare genius. Such a genius will be cultivated wherever he goes.

If it is not a last resort, the veteran dare not to force Li Zhen excessively.

However, I heard Luan Yunshan said that Li Zhen does not have such a strong sense of belonging to Country H like other people.

He has been convinced of some things with this temptation today.

Sigh gently, hoping that after a period of time, the little guy's consciousness can be changed.

Li Zhen explored with a big hand, swallowing all the ridiculous aura in the formation, and Dabao Daoist was able to see the formation itself clearly.

Li Zhen also didn't stop a mental force coming out.

After a while, Daobao Dao Chang shook his body and opened his eyes. There was a trace of approval and fear in his eyes looking at Li Zhen.

The level of attainment of this formation may have reached the highest level at the time. If it were not for material restrictions, Li Zhen would probably be able to shut down this node once and for all.

However, the martial arts world has existed for too long, and now the resources are scarce to a limit.

Tens of thousands of years ago, everyone could set foot on the martial arts, but now they want to practice martial arts, but they are limited by their qualifications.

"Boy, don't underestimate the Li family, the Li family is not an ordinary secular family."

"I know you have a bad impression of them, but that is a very isolated phenomenon."

Before Dabao Dao Master could finish speaking, Li Zhen smiled. He has personally experienced what the Li family has done during this period, and everyone has seen Li Jishan's attitude just now.

Very isolated phenomenon?

This is really too perfunctory, right?

Dabao Taoist looked for a while, and asked with a complicated expression: "How long can this formation last?"

"3000 years!"

Daobao Daochang breathed a sigh of relief, and patted Li Zhen on the shoulder, "Boy, this time, I will honor your favor on behalf of H country!"

Call and inform a master to come and sit here.

Then the two returned to Li Dunru's residence.

When Li Zhen came back, Li Jishan had no face to stay here and had already left.

After a while, Dao Bao Taoist came over, "Boy, that little guy will be sent back by the Li family in a few days, so don't worry."

"But your little girlfriend, if you can, go to Li's house."

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