Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 905: Above Ninth Grade

"Open heaven!"

"The land!"

"Shake the world!"

Just when the sixth ancestor of the Li family was about to catch Li Zhen, Li Zhen's mouth was slightly raised, and three punches in a row hit the chest of the sixth ancestor of the Li family.

6 Dragon Power!

In addition, Li Zhen's Way of Power has already gone out of 10% at this time, and there are also the bonuses of Thunder Dao and Dao Dao, infinitely approaching and the power of 7 dragons.

One punch is enough to break through the void, not to mention that the Sixth Patriarch of the Li Family wanted to capture Li Zhen alive, thinking that Li Zhen did not have much strength.

When he reacted, it was too late.

The body whistled and flew out.

Li Zhen has recovered!

And it is perfect recovery!

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

Li Zhen and the six ancestors of the Li family have recovered nearly a hundred times before and after, so Li Zhen's recovery is getting slower and slower, and the degree of recovery is getting worse and worse. They didn't doubt anything.

Even the sixth ancestor of the Li family did not see any problems.

After all, a person can recover ten times by relying on his own true blood, and he has reached the limit.

Li Zhenneng has recovered nearly a hundred times, which is already extremely dangerous to the people around him.

But, now, perfect recovery!

The aura of Li Zhen's body bloomed to its peak when a sword broke through the air, and the void was easily penetrated.

The sixth ancestor who flew out wanted to avoid it, but was horrified to find that he had been locked.

"No, save Sixth Patriarch!"

In the great formation of protecting the mountain, the grandmasters of the Li family were originally afraid that they would die in Li Zhen's hands, so they curled up in the formation.

But now that the Sixth Patriarch is about to die, how can they still watch?

You know, the Sixth Patriarch has not had time to unlock the seal?

If you were killed in this way, it would be more embarrassing to die.

"Boy, stop quickly, otherwise, you will be in big trouble!"

Jiang Zheng was extremely anxious. The Li family’s juniors could die one or two, and the country would not say anything. After all, the Li family’s younger generation, what they have done over the years, has indeed made the country uncomfortable.

But these older generation of powerhouses can't die!

There are too many things about them!

If he really died in his own hands, then this is not only a loss to the Li family, but also a loss to the country.

The country will hold Li Zhen accountable.

It doesn't matter if the cause of this incident is the fault of the Li family.

Unless the two are feuds of life and death, the state will never allow one to kill the other.


At this moment, a low roar suddenly yelled from the sixth ancestor of the Li family who flew out.

The next moment, a terrifying wave of air suddenly burst, like a large rock suddenly falling on the bottleneck of the lake.

The ripples spread out.

As soon as Li Zhen rushed over, he was blown away by the terrifying shock wave.

Those onlookers were frightened.

This momentum... is too powerful!

Is the sixth ancestor of the Li family still the ninth-rank strong?

The strongest list announced by the country is the Nine-Rank Realm’s strongest, but can Nine-Rank Realm achieve this level?

A strong man who had just entered the Ninth Stage realm at the scene looked at all this in horror!

Too strong!

These two people, no matter who they are, can kill him at will!

In front of these two, he seemed unable to even escape.

"These two people are definitely not the realm of the Ninth Stage!" The Ninth Stage powerhouse put down his original arrogance and said with a little horrified expression.

"How is it possible? Are there other ranks above the Ninth Rank?"

At this time, it suddenly occurred to everyone's heart.

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