
As the sixth ancestor of the Li family fell softly to the ground, there was a muffled noise, and the scene fell into a dead silence.

The sixth ancestor of the Li family, a strongest man in the world, is dead!


Not even a little bit of mental power remained.

Everyone stared blankly at Li Zhen, who was standing in the void.

How did Li Zhen do it?

Although the incident happened in front of them, until now, they have not seen why the sixth ancestor of the Li family suddenly dropped.

"Now, can you tell me who caught Xiaoguai? Why do you want Xiaoguai!" Li Zhen looked at the people in the Li family.

By this time, the people who appeared in the Li family had already suffered more than half of the casualties, and those who remained were all powerhouses above Rank 5.

Perceiving Li Zhen's gaze, the Li family's faces were pale, and their bodies involuntarily stepped back.

The strong man of Tang Jiang Feng's three clan looked at all this in astonishment, and he secretly rejoiced that he didn't make a move just now, otherwise he would inevitably follow the footsteps of the Sixth Patriarch.

Looking at the boy in front of him, the heads of the three families swallowed. The boy put too much pressure on them.

This teenager puts even more pressure on them than the ancestors in the family.

"Dean Li, it's not me. I don't know why they grabbed the dear senior!" A junior from the Li family knelt on the ground with a snot and tears.

But at this time, no one laughed at this person.

"It's the three elders!"

A person suddenly spoke.

"Who is the third elder!" Li Zhen roared.

Everyone in the Li family couldn't help but shudder.

Li Zhen looked at them lightly, and an invisible pressure enveloped these people.

Finally someone couldn't stand it anymore and said, "The third elder was killed by you!"

The man said, pointing to a person whose head had been chopped off by Li Zhen with a sword.

Xiaoguai followed the person's fingers and saw the person at a glance. The countless little eyes suddenly glowed with hatred.


When he came to that person, with a wave of angry little paws, blood splashed, and the person's corpse became a pile of powder.

The Li family watched all this, no one dared to stand up and stop.

Some even looked at the corpse bitterly, wishing to kill it.

Everyone in the Li family blamed this person for almost everything that happened today. In their opinion, if this person hadn't captured Xiaoguai back, none of this would have happened today.

Although, this order was negotiated by all of them. But at this time, they unanimously pushed the responsibility to a dead person.


The void hummed!

The ancestors of the three families of Jiang, Tang, and Feng also rushed to see the sixth ancestor of the Li family who had fallen on the ground and had no vitality. Following the eyes of everyone, he looked at Li Zhen who was standing in the void.

The eyes of the three strong men were full of fear.

Although it seems that Li Zhen only has the Ninth Stage, who would dare to treat Li Zhenzhen as the Ninth Stage?

With a wave of his hand, Li Zhen dissipated the formation that trapped Jiang Zheng's shock.

The few of them walked to the ancestors with a dignified look, and told their ancestors with their spiritual knowledge what happened here.

Although they had guessed that the sixth ancestor of the Li family was killed by Li Zhen, they still couldn't help but shudder after they got the definite answer.

Li Zhen, he is too young!

Young enough, people like them will involuntarily ignore him in the future.

Who would have thought that such a young person would possess such strength.

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