Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 912: Treasure Road Long Real Cow

Everyone: "..."

It was all silent.

Everyone looked at Daobao Daobao dumbfoundedly.

Dao Bao Dao scolded Mo Ruzhi, Fairy Water Moon?

The great wisdom monk beside Mo Ruzhi quickly put his hands together and recited Amitabha.

Li Zhenqiang resisted the urge to laugh wildly, took Xiaoguai out of his arms and stroked his belly, and Xiaoguai hummed comfortably.

No wonder Lao Jiang told him to speak carefully to Dao Bao Dao Bao, Dao Bao Dao Bao is a real cow!

The old master of Shuiyue Jingtian, the world's first school!

The first person on the Nine Product Ranking!

However, Daobao Daobao, he scolded when he said cursing, unambiguously, this is a real cow!

Mo Ruzhi was dazed with a dazed face, I was scolded?

While Mo Ruzhi was stunned, Dao Bao continued to fire.

"Why? Lao Tzu is right? How many cultists have been caught from your door? Didn't you know in your heart? Look at Lao Tzu's Taoist view, for thousands of years, there has never been a cultist!"

Ignoring Dubaodaochang's triumphant triumph, those people silently curled their lips.

Are you embarrassed? Taoist Temple!

For thousands of years, there are only two people up to now, one is Duobao Taoist, the other is Luan Yunshan!

The shameless reputation of the two masters and apprentices has spread almost all over the earth, and even the holy places abroad, when they mention you two, they spit directly.

What reputation do you have, don't you have any points in your heart?

During the whole time, Daobao Master suddenly realized that this is Kyoto, and there are so many people watching it, and there may even be people watching live. He smiled awkwardly and coughed and said, "Don’t get me wrong, Fairy Water Moon People, you Shuiyue Fairy is indeed a good person!"

"I apologize to you, I should scold Shuiyue Jingtian's head next time."

Mo Ruzhi was sluggish again, his face turned blue, glaring at Daobao Master, and said coldly: "I am Shuiyue Jingtian's head!"

Ruan Fang's affairs passed back to Shuiyue Jingtian, and Mo Ruzhi was furious and reprimanded Shuiyue Jingtian for inaction and personally took over Shuiyue Jingtian.

It hasn't been two hours since she took over the position.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took over, he was so humiliated by Dao Bao Dao. Mo Ruzhi had a tendency to run wild.

Li Zhen: "..."

Dabao Taoist: "..."

He really didn't know this, after all, Mo Ruzhi only took over Shui Yue Jingtian for two hours.

The Great Wisdom Sangha had no choice but to stand up, "Dao Bao Dao, please be careful when you speak!"

"The permeation of cults is so strong, this is something that everyone did not expect. Even now, no one can guarantee that there will be no cult people among you."

Everyone was stunned after hearing the words.

The Great Wisdom God is highly respected, he said so, and Duobaodao smiled faintly, as if the previous words were not what he said.

"After today, all major sects will start investigating their disciples to see if there are any cult disciples infiltrating."

Dabao Daobao went on to say: "It's not a self-examination, but the country sends people to investigate. Each school comes from one school. There are no exceptions and no privileges!"

Seeing a lot of people frowning, Dao Bao Taoist sneered, "Some people can resist, but you have to be prepared for the price of resistance!"

Everyone frowned involuntarily when they heard the words. For the investigation of the disciples of the sect, this has indeed become an urgent matter.

But let others enter their door for investigation, which they cannot accept!

After all, who has no secrets that cannot be known!

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