Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 921: Duobao Taiyi

A few days later.

The four girls are here.

Seeing Xiaoguai, the little guys Xiaorou ran over excitedly.

And along with them, there was a peerless beauty, wearing a costume, a tall bun, red phoenix eyes, willow eyebrows, and batter-breakable skin, making this woman look exceptionally delicate.

"Mom!" Li Zhen smiled slightly when he saw this woman.

This woman is really Cang Min.


At this moment, a cold snort came.

Mo Ruzhi's face was frosty, and Luo Tianyi who walked over looked a little dodged when she saw her like this.

Cang Min glanced at Mo Ruzhi and looked at Li Zhen, revealing a questioning look.

"This is the elder Mo Ruzhi, the most prestigious Shuiyue Jingtian head in the martial arts world of H country!"

Li Zhen bit the word ‘old’ so hard that he was so angry that he was going to run away.

Luo Tianyi twisted Li Zhen's waist secretly, then walked up to Mo Ruzhi and saluted respectfully.

"I have seen the ancestors!"

Mo Ruzhi hurriedly hid aside and scolded him coldly, "No, I can't bear it, the woman of Master Li, who can stand your bow in H country now!"

Li Xiaoman asked Li Zhen in a low voice, "Who is this grumpy old woman?"

Her voice is small, but what kind of cultivation is Mo Ruzhi, how could she not hear her, her eyes almost burst into flames.

With a cold snort, Tear Void left.

"Don't pay attention to her, she is so old, without the nourishment of love, it is normal to be a little abnormal in her mood."

As Li Zhen said, there was a tremor in the void.

Everyone looked in that direction, Li Zhen smiled faintly, as expected, he hadn't left yet.

Cang Min glared at his son angeredly, "I'll see you later, don't talk nonsense, that person has already shown signs of breaking through the fairy king, you are not an opponent!"

The Great Peak!

For his mother's eyes, Li Zhen believed that he would never be wrong.

Sure enough, Mo Ruzhi, this old woman is not easy!

"This is Daoist Cang Min! Duobao has met Daoist!"

The Great Wisdom Monk also saluted.

Cang Min returned a gift and said in amazement: "The resources in this world are so scarce. I didn't expect that there would be geniuses like two fellow Taoists."

"Mom, what state are these two?"

Cang Min glanced at Li Zhen and said dozingly: "That monk is the early stage of the Immortal King, and that Taoist priest may have broken through the Taiyi realm."

Taiyi Immortal King?

Duobao is the Taiyi Immortal King?

Madder, I didn't expect that this old guy is usually so inconsistent, and his cultivation base is so high.


Li Zhen suddenly realized that his mother could actually see Duobao's cultivation skills!

What is the mother's cultivation?

Could it be that after the mother recovered from her injury, her cultivation base increased instead of decreasing?

Hearing her mother mention Mo Ruzhi, Li Zhen sneered. She was the same as the two to five to eighty thousand. Among the three, she was the highest-profile, but the cultivation base was the lowest. Her face was really thick.

"Shall we go shopping?" Li Xiaoman suggested.

Her proposal immediately received a response from everyone, and Li Zhen had no choice but to follow it in the smirking eyes of Duobao.

In a few days, the ranking competitions of the major martial arts schools will be held. At this time, the streets of Kyoto have become congested, and you can see young boys and girls full of pure breath.

But the four women walking on the street still caused quite a stir.

As for Li Zhen beside the four women, they were all ignored.

Those people stared at Xiaoguai more than Li Zhen, which made Li Zhen depressed.

In the mall.

The four women are choosing clothes.

"Beauty, what do you like? Pick whatever you like, I will give it to you!"

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