Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 955: Totoro is poisonous

The people in the three sects looked at Li Zhen's gaze much more kindly. Although they were enemies before, the alchemist is a very special existence, and no one intended to offend a person who could save his life.

Even if this person is his enemy!

It's just a panacea, the price is really not high.

But when Li Zhen removed all the poisons from them, these people stopped talking when they saw the piles of elixir in Li Zhen's hands.

The price of an elixir is not high, but there are so many people who cannot hold them!

But at this time, no one cared about that elixir.

Putting away thousands of elixir, Li Zhen felt happy.

Wu Di might be able to win over these people because he wanted to deal with the Li family, but Nian Deng was definitely not, but Nian Deng did not stop him.

Li Zhen would not think that burning a lamp is a kindness to help Wu Di.

Bringing these people together, the lighting of the lamp should have other functions, otherwise, the lighting of the lamp will not take so much effort.

Dabao Dao Master should know some of the idea of ​​burning lamps, so it can be regarded as secretly cooperating with burning lamps, otherwise these people are really not enough to kill.

Everyone was still afraid of something, Daobao Dao Master was still in thought, Li Zhen had already stepped forward and put away the Totoro in the fairy king realm.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing? You have a share, you can't swallow it alone!"

Dabao Daochang said bluntly.

Others had just received Li Zhen's favor, and even if they were willing to drink it, they did not do it. After all, no one could predict that they would encounter this powerful toxin in the future.

Hearing Dubaodaochang stop, they still agreed.

The corpse of a fairy beast in the fairy king realm is still very precious, and it is also a priceless treasure to bring it back to the sect.

Let them give up so easily, they are definitely not reconciled.

"Okay, here you are!"

Li Zhen'come from goodness to flow', immediately took out the Totoro, and looked at it playfully, as if he didn't mind at all.

Seeing this scene, the other people murmured in their hearts.

Huh? Is this kid's temper so good?

Duobao looked at Li Zhen hesitantly, but when he saw the Totoro, he couldn't help putting it away.

"Everyone, I swear, I just keep it for the time being. After I get out of here, I will definitely share it with everyone. How about?"

Daobao Dao made a soul vow, and people from the four great families and three sects would naturally not object.

But the next moment, a cold sweat broke out from their backs, and they saw the white smoke ‘sizzling’ from the storage ring of Dao Baodao, and a strong smell of corrosion drifted into everyone’s noses.

Seeing that the storage ring of Dabaodaochang could no longer be used.


Then they felt poisoned in their bodies again.


Dabao Taoist finally knew why Li Zhen had that look. They were poisoned because of this corpse.

"Boy, you cheated me!"

Dabao Taoist said in an angry tone.

Li Zhen looked at Dao Baodao speechlessly, "You asked me to take it out!"

After just such a short time, they felt dizzy.

Before, they thought that the aura inside was not right, but now they saw that the existence of this chinchilla polluted the aura in the entire space.

Duobaodaochang is speechless, hemp egg, a storage ring, just wasted.

I was even more curious about what poison it was that even the storage ring could corrode.

"Everyone, whoever wants it, I will send it to you!"

Li Zhenhao looked at everyone around him in his spare time.

The people he saw quickly shook their heads.

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