There is space fluctuation, this is a teleportation array!

Li Zhen glanced around and saw what the halo was!

Seeing this halo, he more and more concluded that this place is definitely related to the King of Heaven.

Li Zhen couldn't find out where the teleportation array was going.

But obviously, the person who covered this place didn't want others to see the teleportation formation, so he covered it with a stone tablet.

The person who did this never thought that Li Zhen would get the teleportation array out because of the stone monument.

Li Zhen can be sure that the person covering the teleportation array is definitely not at ease, otherwise it won't be a trap here.


Inside the cave.


The Taoist Master Duobao rose into the sky in embarrassment, and the Taoist robe on his body had exploded.

"Made, that king|a **** dare to cheat me!"

This anger in my heart, such a shrewd person, was actually calculated.

Not only him, but the people of the four major families and the three major sects also emerged from the rubble in embarrassment.

"Boy, are you reliable? I..." Dao Baodao just wanted to speak, and the next moment, he couldn't help but curse.

I saw that Li Zhen, who was still beside him just now, turned into a faint shadow, and then slowly dissipated.

Shadow clone!

As far as he knows, only the little king, Li Zhen, can do this secret technique!

Mad, this kid didn't make this change, right, the more treasured Dao Chang thinks about it, the more he feels it is.


A person suddenly rose into the air from the ruins.

"It's Burning Lantern, catch him!"

Not only on this side, but in another place, a figure crawled out of the ruins in embarrassment, and then ran outside, unable to even vacate.

This scene not only stunned Dabao Daochang and the others, but also stunned the burning lamp on the other side.

Wu Di!

Dead Wu Di!

When Ran Lan saw Wu Di, there was fire in his eyes.

Wu Di uses suspended animation to deceive other people, obviously not to do good things for everyone.

"Master, hurry up and save me!" Wu Di shouted.

The burning lantern passed by, lifted Wu Di and set off into the air.

"Friends of Taoism, since you are here, then stay!" Dabao Taoist Master said, a force of sealing abruptly moved towards the burning lantern cover.

"The Way of Sealing!" Burning Lantern yelled in surprise, but the action was not slow, he slapped it out with a palm, and then the person evaded to the other side.

While taking the shot, the master of the treasure grabbed the MMP in his heart. He was really cheated by Li Zhen this time!

After being injured, his strength can only be displayed seven or eight, but fortunately others are also like this, but if someone with a peak cultivation base comes, they will have to burp.

But is this world change because they accidentally touched the organ, or is there another person outside?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes froze slightly.

Burning Lantern carried Wu Di and ran wildly, his brow furrowed without detecting Li Zhen by his spiritual sense.


So who initiated the ban?

He faintly felt that this incident was inseparable from Li Zhen.

But no matter what, let's run wild!

Too many people chased him behind.

As soon as I left the cave, I saw a colorful halo appearing on the original stone monument.

The teleportation array, Ma Dan, and the burning lamp severely threw Wu Di into the halo.

He actually missed the treasure!

To perfectly suppress the spatial fluctuations of the teleportation array, that stone tablet must be a treasure, and he missed it!


Vaguely feeling that Wu Di is not in danger of life, he stepped in.

As soon as he disappeared, Dabao Daochang and others chased him...

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